Debian - nvidia-persistenced: nvidia not found in /dev

I was trying to get to the maximum FPS on my KDE --since I was stuck at 60 with a 75-fps screen and changing the config resulted in some glitches-- and I saw the solution would be installing nvidia-drivers and firmware-misc-nonfree.

After proceeding and rebooting nvidia-persistenced reported that nvidia* wasn’t found on /dev. Indeed, ls /dev didn’t show anything like nvidia.

I tried installing some .fw files that were missing and checked the blacklists I could search for on the internet in case there was something being ignored and --although some warnings disappeared-- it didn’t solve any actual errors. Also, lspci correctly displayed the GPU so I don’t think it’s a connection/hardware problem.

Any ideas on what to do?
nvidia-bug-report.log.gz (66.2 KB)

Please disable secure boot in bios.

Oh yeah, I forgot about it.
I enabled it to play Valorant and I forgot about disabling it after I got rid of the game.
Thanks for your contribution :)

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