Deepstream 5.0 nvdcf tracker behavior

Thank you for explaining how the feature extraction works and why it’s possible for these tracking ids stay in “active tracking mode”. Your insight has really helped.

Am I able to pull the nvtracker meta data from NvDsBatchMeta ? I want to pull all the tracking meta such as tracking ids, tracking confidence levels, and tracking Id age. So I can account for trackers that are in shadow mode as well as the “active” ones.

If i pull object_id from object meta i only can recieve the “active tracking id” and the confidence from nvinfer.

I’ve checked the dev guides, but I’m not sure what the meta class is for NvMOTTrackerMeta.

I understand object meta. In a probe I I through the frame meta, then to object meta list, and finally grab all the object meta in the frame .

Psuedo code looks a little like this
frame_meta → object_meta_list; l_obj → data.
class_id = obj_meta.class_id

I dont understand where it is in the metadata struct tho. I’ve tried to search for tracking_id and tracking_confidence. It doesnt exist in frame_meta or object_meta. So how can I retrieve it ?

According to this document, there is a data struct that I could potentially use to grab nvtracker meta.