Deepstream 5.0 triton inference server version?

• v100
• 5.0.0
• 7.0.0
• 440.64

What is the version of TRTIS used in deepstream 5.0? I have a custom TorchScript network that runs fine on, but fails when trying to run with with TRTIS that comes with deepstream sdk. Additionally, would that be possible to update TRTIS version without having to re-compile nvdsinferserver plug-in?

Hi @ruslan
dgpu is triton 20.01. and Jetson is Triton 20.03.

would that be possible to update TRTIS version without having to re-compile nvdsinferserver plug-in?
You could just update the triton libs from tritonserver:20.03-py3 and take a try since DS nvdsinferserver is also using ?


Hi, @mchi, thanks, compiling with tritonserver:20.01 solved the problem!