Deepstream app video streaming question.

I’ve completed successfully run in Deepstream app, test1, test2, test3 and more. Now I’m working with Deepsteam app. My question is when I’m run the deepstream app and put the source30_1080p_dec_infer-resnet_tiled_display_int8.txt, It will run perfectly on AGX Xavier. And show the 30 video output streaming at the same time. And, If I’m dobule click on any one video from 30 streaming video, It shows the full screen.

My question is which line of the code in Deepsteam app to provide When I double click on an output streaming video, that video shows the full screen?

It is ‘show-source’ property in nvmultistreamtiler.

PLlease also check nvds_x_event_thread() in deepstream_app_main.c to get more detail of the implementation.