Deepstream does not save output in output file

I have deployed the ainvr app on my jetson, i want to display the output of deepstream but i can’t find the output file. Here are some specifications:

• Hardware Platform (Jetson / GPU)
• JetPack Version: 6
I’m using the default config file included in the ainvr package, here’s how i’m launching the app:

/opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-7.0/service-maker/sources/apps/deepstream_test5_app/build/deepstream-test5-app -s /ds-config-files/pn26/service-maker/source-list-0_agx.yaml,/ds-config-files/pn26/service-maker/source-list-1_agx.yaml  -c /ds-config-files/pn26/service-maker/ds-config-0_agx.yaml,/ds-config-files/pn26/service-maker/ds-config-1_agx.yaml -l /ds-config-files/pn26/labels.txt --perf-measurement-interval-sec 5 2>&1 | grep --line-buffered . | tee -a /log/deepstream.log

Is there anything that i’m missing here?
Also there are two ds-config-0_agx files provided (one yaml config and a txt one), but only the yaml one is passed, and i don’t see the txt config being referenced anywhere.

Can you follow here for DeepStream RTSP output: JPS FAQ?

i’ve tried this solution, for the first one i get YAML Parsing Error, as for the second option (modify ds-config-0_agx.yaml) it’s still not working, and on vst i get the following logs:

Option 1 is the easy way. Can you share the error log of the fail of option 1?

Here’s the error i’m getting:

Note that i’m using deepstream 7

Can you share the whole log of deepstream container?