Please provide complete information as applicable to your setup.
• Hardware Platform: Jetson AGX • DeepStream 5.1 • JetPack Version 4.6 • TensorRT Version 8.0.1 • Issue Type: Question
Hi All!
I have trained a resnet18 model using the latest TAO toolkit, and now I want to run it on a Deepstream python application. I don’t know how to fit these files into the sample application config file.
Did you export deepstream config when exporting the model (option --gen_ds_config)? You can refer to the config example in deepstream_python_apps\apps\deepstream-test1\dstest1_pgie_config.txt and combine the config the exported deepstream config file.
Yes, I exported the ds config file in the TAO notebook. I also combined the exported config file with the deepstream config file and ran the application, but got the following error.
Creating Pipeline
Creating streamux
Creating source_bin 0
Creating source bin
Creating Pgie
Creating nvvidconv1
Creating filter1
Creating tiler
Creating nvvidconv
Creating nvosd
Creating transform
Creating EGLSink
Atleast one of the sources is live
Warn: 'threshold' parameter has been deprecated. Use 'pre-cluster-threshold' instead.
Adding elements to Pipeline
Linking elements in the Pipeline
Now playing...
1 : rtsp://admin:abc12345@
Starting pipeline
Using winsys: x11
gstnvtracker: Loading low-level lib at /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-5.1/lib/
gstnvtracker: Optional NvMOT_RemoveStreams not implemented
gstnvtracker: Batch processing is OFF
gstnvtracker: Past frame output is OFF
0:00:00.295563073 6480 0x34c61e40 INFO nvinfer gstnvinfer.cpp:619:gst_nvinfer_logger:<primary-inference> NvDsInferContext[UID 1]: Info from NvDsInferContextImpl::buildModel() <nvdsinfer_context_impl.cpp:1716> [UID = 1]: Trying to create engine from model files
ERROR: failed to build network since there is no model file matched.
ERROR: failed to build network.
0:00:01.428713086 6480 0x34c61e40 ERROR nvinfer gstnvinfer.cpp:613:gst_nvinfer_logger:<primary-inference> NvDsInferContext[UID 1]: Error in NvDsInferContextImpl::buildModel() <nvdsinfer_context_impl.cpp:1736> [UID = 1]: build engine file failed
0:00:01.428845764 6480 0x34c61e40 ERROR nvinfer gstnvinfer.cpp:613:gst_nvinfer_logger:<primary-inference> NvDsInferContext[UID 1]: Error in NvDsInferContextImpl::generateBackendContext() <nvdsinfer_context_impl.cpp:1822> [UID = 1]: build backend context failed
0:00:01.428876326 6480 0x34c61e40 ERROR nvinfer gstnvinfer.cpp:613:gst_nvinfer_logger:<primary-inference> NvDsInferContext[UID 1]: Error in NvDsInferContextImpl::initialize() <nvdsinfer_context_impl.cpp:1149> [UID = 1]: generate backend failed, check config file settings
0:00:01.428917288 6480 0x34c61e40 WARN nvinfer gstnvinfer.cpp:812:gst_nvinfer_start:<primary-inference> error: Failed to create NvDsInferContext instance
0:00:01.428947146 6480 0x34c61e40 WARN nvinfer gstnvinfer.cpp:812:gst_nvinfer_start:<primary-inference> error: Config file path: dstest_imagedata_config.txt, NvDsInfer Error: NVDSINFER_CONFIG_FAILED
Error: gst-resource-error-quark: Failed to create NvDsInferContext instance (1): /dvs/git/dirty/git-master_linux/deepstream/sdk/src/gst-plugins/gst-nvinfer/gstnvinfer.cpp(812): gst_nvinfer_start (): /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstNvInfer:primary-inference:
Config file path: dstest_imagedata_config.txt, NvDsInfer Error: NVDSINFER_CONFIG_FAILED
Exiting app
This is what my deepstream config file looks like. I don’t know what the problem is.