Deepstream SDK will stop running once it reaches EOS

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My deepstream SDK stops running without any errors once a RTSP is disconencted. Is there any python bindings to detect and ignore EOS? I have saw some examples about dynamically adding/remove rtsp streams but I would need to track the CCTV_IDs.
For example: I am running for 3 rtsp streams, but if the second rtsp stream is disconnected, i do not want it to be remove and the third rtsp stream will become the second stream.

Please advise.

Do you mean your own DeepStream application?

You can add pipeline resume code for handling the EOS message in your bus callback function. Bus (

How was the rtsp stream disconnected? There will be different reasons for the disconnection, some disconnection will not cause “EOS”.

Its the LPR application but a few modifications

Meaning that we are able to resume the pipeline while ignoring the stream that is ended?

Its mainly caused by hardware failure. Meaning the stream cannot even be ping. I am assuming if the stream is disconnected and cannot be ping, its EOS. Please correct me if i am wrong

The previous RTSP session ended, nobody can resume the previous RTSP session. What you can do is to replace the g_main_loop_quit() in deepstream_lpr_app/deepstream-lpr-app/deepstream_lpr_app.c at master · NVIDIA-AI-IOT/deepstream_lpr_app ( with the code you want to do.
E.G. If you want to reconnect to the same RTSP server, you can add code of restarting the pipeline when the RTSP server is live.

No, the hardware failure will not cause “EOS”. “EOS” is only evoked when the RTSP server received the teardown request. Or for some RTSP server, it will generate teardown request itself. You need to consult the RTSP server(I think for you it is IP camera) vendor for the feature of the RTSP server.
If the RTSP server hardware failure causes the RTSP client pipeline error. deepstream_lpr_app/deepstream-lpr-app/deepstream_lpr_app.c at master · NVIDIA-AI-IOT/deepstream_lpr_app (, you need to handle the error in the way you want, E.G. set the pipeline to NULL state, waiting for the RTSP server to be alive(please consult your vendor for their SDK to detect the hardware status), and then restart the pipeline.
If the RTSP server hardware failure does not cause anything in RTSP client side, you can add the RTSP reconnection logic in the application, the sample is in deepstream-app sample code.

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