deepstream-test3 - streaming stopped, reason error (-5)

If i use RTSP link, i receive this error:

Using winsys: x11 
Creating LL OSD context new
0:00:00.613948694 12313   0x55931dc240 INFO                 nvinfer gstnvinfer.cpp:519:gst_nvinfer_logger:<primary-nvinference-engine> NvDsInferContext[UID 1]:initialize(): Trying to create engine from model files
0:00:27.849607083 12313   0x55931dc240 INFO                 nvinfer gstnvinfer.cpp:519:gst_nvinfer_logger:<primary-nvinference-engine> NvDsInferContext[UID 1]:generateTRTModel(): Storing the serialized cuda engine to file at /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-4.0/samples/models/Primary_Detector/resnet10.caffemodel_b1_int8.engine
Decodebin child added: source
Decodebin child added: decodebin0
Decodebin child added: rtph264depay0
Decodebin child added: h264parse0
Decodebin child added: capsfilter0
Decodebin child added: nvv4l2decoder0
Seting bufapi_version
NvMMLiteOpen : Block : BlockType = 261 
NVMEDIA: Reading vendor.tegra.display-size : status: 6 
NvMMLiteBlockCreate : Block : BlockType = 261 
In cb_newpad
Creating LL OSD context new
Frame Number = 0 Number of objects = 6 Vehicle Count = 5 Person Count = 1
ERROR from element nvtiler: GstNvTiler: FATAL ERROR; NvTiler::Composite failed
Error details: /dvs/git/dirty/git-master_linux/deepstream/sdk/src/gst-plugins/gst-nvtiler/gstnvtiler.cpp(665): gst_nvmultistreamtiler_transform (): /GstPipeline:dstest3-pipeline/GstNvMultiStreamTiler:nvtiler
Returned, stopping playback
0:00:30.317375521 12313   0x5592c45720 WARN                 nvinfer gstnvinfer.cpp:1830:gst_nvinfer_output_loop:<primary-nvinference-engine> error: Internal data stream error.
0:00:30.317439140 12313   0x5592c45720 WARN                 nvinfer gstnvinfer.cpp:1830:gst_nvinfer_output_loop:<primary-nvinference-engine> error: streaming stopped, reason error (-5)
Frame Number = 1 Number of objects = 5 Vehicle Count = 4 Person Count = 1
Deleting pipeline

Instead, with mp4 file works fine.

I received the same message. I was able to bypass by disabling the tiler in the config, and changing the sink to EglSink.

In “dstest3_pgie_config.txt”?


The issue is not seen with rtspserver launched through test-mp4. The following link shows how:

It is still an issue specific to certain IP cameras. We are checking it with priority.

Please check