Deformable cloth collision and point cloud problems

I have two questions because I am having problems with the omniverse application (usd composer and isaac sim).

The first question:
When the deformale cloth is placed as shown in the image, it is observed that a small gap is left between the deformale cloth and the floor or other objects. I am wondering why the deformable cloth leaves a gap when the cube is in contact with the floor without any gaps. The deformable cloth was created by blender.

The second question:
The deformable cloth points (vertices of the object’s mesh) are shown in orange. Is it possible to get this as a numpy array using python?

Hi @masanori_yoshihira!
The offset can be tweaked in the ParticleSystem Advanced properties → RestOffset. It should still be larger than zero, since it represents the size of the particles used for collision detection.
You should be able to access the points through USD, UsdGeom.Mesh(stage.GetPrimAtPath(“/World/cloth2/cloth2”).GetPointsAttr().Get()

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