Do you install this driver for ubuntu 2204 arm64 bits ?
Can you tell me how to install it?
sudo dpkg -i xxx.deb
I know about this installation, are there any other operations? Only after dpkg-i, nvidia smi failed to execute successfully
i test ubuntu 22.04 and this driver, still green.
I am very frustrated. The server has already been purchased, and if it cannot be resolved, the project will fail
so ,please help me .
Have you tried a newer version of the driver? Is there any error when installing the driver?
If the driver can be installed nvidia-smi
should work fine
Is this a virtual machine? Does Huawei have any explanation for this?
Now we have switched to an x86 server and it runs well on Ubuntu 22.04.
However, under Kylin Server OS (Base on RHEL 8), executing nvidia-smi
will freeze for 1 second before displaying again, which also causes the inability to continuously output images when executed in a container.
How can we solve this problem.
the driver file
the install cmd : sudo sh ./ --no-opengl-files -s --no-x-check
This problem does not seem to be related to DeepStream, it seems to be a driver or OS problem.
You can discuss here
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