I have trained a detectnet_v2 model, however when I run my inference command I see no bounding boxes being drawn on my inference data set. As a sanity check, I ran the inference over the training image set and still see no drawn bounding boxes in the images. This model is still currently training, but I used some of the output file steps. I’ve tried step 0 (no bounding box output), I’ve tried step 52680 (which actually threw a decryption key error and wouldn’t inference anything), then I tried step 105360 which also has no output (like step 0).
tlt-infer detectnet_v2 -m /workspace/tlt-experiments/testing/model.step-105360.tlt -i /workspace/tlt-experiments/KITTIRoot/images -o /workspace/tlt-experiments/testing -bs 16 -cp /workspace/tlt-experiments/testing/test.txt -lw 3 -k <KEY_OMITTED_FOR_POST> --kitti_dump
All of the label files are empty and no bounding boxes are drawn on any of the output from the training image set data. What could be the issue?
inferencepost.txt (1.31 KB)