Device Emulation vs. Device


I have written a small kernel for learning purposes, which calculates a histogram.

#include "histogram_common.h"

#include <cuda.h>

#include <cutil.h>

#define BINCOUNT			256


#define NUM_BLOCKS(x)		(((x)/THREADS_PER_BLOCK)+1)

__global__ void calculatehistogram(unsigned char* d_imagedata, unsigned int imagedatasize, unsigned int* d_histogram)


	unsigned int currentpixel;

	currentpixel = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

	if (currentpixel < imagedatasize) 





extern "C" void gethistogram(unsigned char* h_imagedata, unsigned int imagedatasize, unsigned int* h_histogram)


	//Devicepointers holding our data

	unsigned char*	d_imagedata;

	unsigned int*	d_histogram;

	//Allocate memory on device and copy imagedata to device

	CUDA_SAFE_CALL(cudaMalloc((void**) &d_imagedata, imagedatasize));

	CUDA_SAFE_CALL(cudaMemcpy(d_imagedata, h_imagedata, imagedatasize, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));

	//Hostpointer holding our histogram

	CUDA_SAFE_CALL(cudaMalloc((void**) &d_histogram, BINCOUNT * sizeof(unsigned int)));

	CUDA_SAFE_CALL(cudaMemset(d_histogram, 0, BINCOUNT * sizeof(unsigned int)));


	//Call the kernel

	calculatehistogram<<<NUM_BLOCKS(imagedatasize), THREADS_PER_BLOCK>>>(d_imagedata, imagedatasize, d_histogram);

	//Copy histogram back to host

	CUDA_SAFE_CALL(cudaMemcpy(h_histogram, d_histogram, BINCOUNT * sizeof(unsigned int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));

	//Free Memory





The kernel works fine with device emulation, giving the desired result. But when I start the kernel on the device, I get the following output:


Pixels with value 26: 1

Pixels with value 27: 1

Pixels with value 28: 1

Pixels with value 29: 1

Pixels with value 30: 1

Pixels with value 31: 1

Pixels with value 32: 1

Pixels with value 33: 1

Pixels with value 34: 1

Pixels with value 35: 1

Pixels with value 36: 1

Pixels with value 37: 1

Pixels with value 38: 1

Pixels with value 39: 1

Pixels with value 40: 1

Pixels with value 41: 1

Pixels with value 42: 1

Pixels with value 43: 1

Pixels with value 44: 1

Pixels with value 45: 1

Pixels with value 46: 1

Pixels with value 47: 1

Pixels with value 48: 1

Pixels with value 49: 1

Pixels with value 50: 1

Pixels with value 51: 1

Pixels with value 52: 1

Pixels with value 53: 1

Pixels with value 54: 1

Pixels with value 55: 1

Pixels with value 56: 1

Pixels with value 57: 1

Pixels with value 58: 1

Pixels with value 59: 1

Pixels with value 60: 1

Pixels with value 61: 1

Pixels with value 62: 1

Pixels with value 63: 1

Pixels with value 64: 1

Pixels with value 65: 1

Pixels with value 66: 1

Pixels with value 67: 1

Pixels with value 68: 1

Pixels with value 69: 1

Pixels with value 70: 1

Pixels with value 71: 1

Pixels with value 72: 1

Pixels with value 73: 1

Pixels with value 74: 1

Pixels with value 75: 1

Pixels with value 76: 1

Pixels with value 77: 1

Pixels with value 78: 1

Pixels with value 79: 1

Pixels with value 80: 1

Pixels with value 81: 1

Pixels with value 82: 1

Pixels with value 83: 1

Pixels with value 84: 1

Pixels with value 85: 1

Pixels with value 86: 1

Pixels with value 87: 1

Pixels with value 88: 1

Pixels with value 89: 1

Pixels with value 90: 1

Pixels with value 91: 1

Pixels with value 92: 1

Pixels with value 93: 1

Pixels with value 94: 1

Pixels with value 95: 1


Some bins even evaluate to 0 or 2 External Image

I have tried to debug this for hours, but I still have no idea what is causing this behaviour.

Thank you in advance for your help,


PS.: Windows 7 64 Bit, CUDA 3.0, Driver 197.16, GeForce G210M, Compute Capability 1.2

In device emulation mode, all threads are processed sequentially by the CPU. On the GPU they’re processed in parallel, so you’re getting read-after-write/write-after-read hazards.
In the case of a histogram, it’s possible that multiple threads are accessing the same histogram location simultaneously. That’s why you should use an atomic operation to increment the histogram value so that the writes to the same location in the histogram get serialized.
Search the programming guide for atomic operations for more info.

PS. You may want to rewrite your NUM_BLOCKS macro as
otherwise you’ll run one superfluous block when x is a multiple of THREADS_PER_BLOCK


In your kernel, this code:

if (currentpixel < imagedatasize)




is a memory race. In emulation, where the warp size is 1 and execution is fully serialised, it will work. But on a device, with a warp size of 32 and potentially many warps running at the same, you have the possibility of many threads trying to increment the same histogram bin value simultaneously. The results, as you have discovered, will be rather unpredictable.

I can think of two ways to solve this - use atomic memory access functions to increment the bin (which effectively serialises the access to memory and will be a lot slower), or have each block of threads maintain its own local set of bin values, and then merge them together afterwards. This could be done on the host, with a second kernel, or as a final action of each block using atomic operations.

You need to use atomic functions to increment the histogram bins (see appendix B.10 of the Programming Guide). Unlike device emulation, the GPU really executes the increments in parallel. So if you have a bunch of threads incrementing the same bin for the first time, they all read zeros, increment them and then write back 1 several times (instead of incrementing each time).

Thanks for your replies. I used atomicAdd and it works like a charm.

I will also try to to separate the histogram to smaller subhistograms in shared memory as shown in the SDK samples. I’m quite sure I’ll be back here in some hours External Image