Device internal memory filling up automaticall

Device: Nvidia Jetson Nx
Jetpack: 4.4

Device has very less memory(1GB out of 32GB) after installing the jetpack and dependencies, but that 1GB also getting filled automatically(.cache) day by day.

I know we have shift to either ssd or have boot on external memory card. but is there a solution to my problem?
how to know what to clear when the cache is filling up?
how to have constant memory free all the time so that device wont end up with no memory and stuck in the black screen?

I can’t directly answer this. It might be as simple as a log file getting repeated errors appended.

There are probably other (more complicated) ways to do this, but what you need is probably to find a way to see where storage is used prior to being able to answer. Otherwise you’ll just be guessing, e.g., look at file sizes in “ls -lh /var/log/*”. The program “filelight” takes a lot of space in itself, and is GUI-based, but would very intuitively give you a way to see a directory’s total, and then drill down with a mouse click to see how that amount is subdivided in a pie chart format. If you have enough disk space, then install “sudo apt-get install filelight”. Then run:
sudo filelight /

Note that if you hover your mouse over most locations that it will give you extended information about that directory/subdirectory.

Hint: If your content which is consuming most is in “/usr/local”, then this is often from optional package contents, e.g., CUDA samples or CUDA itself. It is trivial to move this content to an external device, so you might check there first. Normally this location does not have much there other than from NVIDIA extras. You could check this before installing filelight just to see if there is a lot there:
sudo du -s -h /usr/local

Similar for log files:
sudo du -h -s /var/log/*

thanks for the suggestions.

Device already have a " Disc Usage Analyzer ", we are using that to check which folders have more memory.

Another Question if its OK to ask here or i will open another !
How longer the device can be ON without rebooting, like running 24*7?
Is local memory will add up space continuously if we are running the device continuosly?
is there a way to divert the cache and logs to external memory?

You can pretty much ask anything Jetson NX in this forum. It is better to start new threads if the topic changes, but this is still about disk filling up. In regards to that, which directories are filling up? This offers a clue as to the cause.

I’ve never heard of any limitations on run time, but there are different “models” of choosing power consumption which might be faster/slower, but produce more/less heat, but so far as I know, as long as the unit is kept at a suitable temperature, you can run this 24/7. Someone else will probably have a more explicit answer.

The diversion of logs to another computer will be no different on the Jetson than it is for any other desktop Ubuntu. I haven’t used it, but here is an example article:

Here is one more specific (which is probably what you want if you are logging from one computer to another):

Note that in the above I am assuming you are talking about something other than just mounting another drive to hold local log content, and want to actually redirect logging to another computer on the network.

I’m not sure it makes sense to divert cache to another computer. Technically you could do something like create an iSCSI partition on another host, and then use that to mount on a temp or cache location (iSCSI can be complicated, but performance is very good). The down side is that if anything stops this from functioning, even momentarily, then probably the system would crash and behave badly until rebooted.

Note that local memory getting used up over time, if not from running more programs, is a “memory leak” bug. It should not do this no matter how much time the system runs. If it does, then you can ask to get a memory leak bug fixed by showing how to produce the leak.

hello vairamani.muthusamy,

there’re several fixes for memory leakage, please also refer to release notes.
please share your use-case, you should check the $ cat /proc/meminfo for the available memory,
please also examine and share the leakage you’d seem.

Thanks @JerryChang and @linuxdev for the help.

We are going to have a ssd with our system, as we don’t want to put more effort on managing the internal memory.

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