Different infer or algorithm in the one batch


i have a jetson xavier NX
and use deepstream v5.0

i have a 3 source and make a batch using streammux plugin
and it infer all the source in the batch when i infer after streammux

but i want to infer only one source in the batch others bypass.
can i make this stream?

Current nvinfer does not support such function.

Thanks for reply!!

if so is there any way to make this process personally even nvinfer plugin source edit?

like as below

This sample is hard code way. You can try that.

Ok Thanks!

can i get the deepstream plugin source?? for example nvstreammux?

After you install the DeepStreamSDK in your device, you can get the open source deepstream plugin codes under /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-5.0/sources/gst-plugins/

The other source codes are private.