Different OpenMP behavior between gfortran and nvfortran

Hi, I’m still in the porting phase of a large Fortran code from Gfortran to NVfortran and I have a different behavior that can be illustrated with the small following test code. In my mind, nvfortran 22.2 is wrong but it could be also gfortran (not a large OpenMP experience). Indeed I need to have the same behavior…


module mod1
  implicit none
  integer ::nsolver,current_solver
  !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(nsolver,current_solver)
end module mod1

program main
use mod1

implicit none

  !$OMP COPYIN(nsolver,current_solver)
  print*, 'test ',nsolver,current_solver
end program main

Using gfortran and 4 threads:

> bash-4.4$ gfortran -fopenmp main.f90
> bash-4.4$ ./a.out
>  test            3           4
>  test            3           4
>  test            3           4
>  test            3           4

Using nvfortran and 4 threads:

> bash-4.4$ nvfortran  -mp=multicore main.f90
> bash-4.4$ ./a.out 
>  test             3            4
>  test             3            0
>  test             3            0
>  test             3            0

With nvfortran the second threadprivate variable is not initialized by the copyin clause, only the first one.
Any suggestion ?

Hi Patrick,

I agree that something’s off in our compiler. Looks like only one threadprivate variable is getting initialized depending upon which is declared first. If I reverse the order so that “current_solver” is declared first, then the threads gets set correctly but “nsolver” does not.

I’ve added TPR #31460 and sent it to engineering for investigation.

Thanks for the report!

Hi Patrick,

FYI, TPR #31460 has been fixed in our 22.7 release.

Thanks again for the report,

Thanks Mat
I’ve deployed 22.7 last week before leaving for some hollidays but not tested.
It’s good news.

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