Difficulties with virtual functions

I’ve been looking for example CUDA code that uses virtual functions, and so far I haven’t been able to find anything besides the snippet in section D.1.2 of the Programming Guide.

I’ve been working a bit with the example in section D.1.1, and have successfully compiled it and used the PixelRGBA class. However, if I modify it to incorporate inheritance and virtual functions, I get compiler errors.

For example:

class PixelRGBABase



  __device__ virtual unsigned char get_r()


    return 3;



class PixelRGBA : public PixelRGBABase



    __device__ PixelRGBA(): r_(0), g_(0), b_(0), a_(0)

    { ; }

    __device__ PixelRGBA(unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b,

              unsigned char a = 255): r_(r), g_(g), b_(b), a_(a)

    { ; } 

    __device__ unsigned char get_r()


        return r_;



    unsigned char r_, g_, b_, a_;

friend PixelRGBA operator+(const PixelRGBA &,

                               const PixelRGBA &);



PixelRGBA operator+(const PixelRGBA & p1, const PixelRGBA & p2) 


    return PixelRGBA(p1.r_ + p2.r_, 

                     p1.g_ + p2.g_, 

                     p1.b_ + p2.b_, 

                     p1.a_ + p2.a_);

The above code gives me the following error:

nvcc -ccbin /usr/bin -I. -I/usr/local/cuda/include --ptxas-options=-v  -c pixelrgba.cu -o pixelrgba.cu.o

./pixelrgba.cu(20): Warning: Cannot tell what pointer points to, assuming global memory space

ptxas /tmp/tmpxft_00004313_00000000-2_pixelrgba.ptx, line 74; error   : Feature 'functions as initial values' requires PTX ISA .version 2.1 or later

ptxas /tmp/tmpxft_00004313_00000000-2_pixelrgba.ptx, line 74; error   : Feature 'functions as initial values' requires .target sm_20 or higher

ptxas /tmp/tmpxft_00004313_00000000-2_pixelrgba.ptx, line 75; error   : Feature 'functions as initial values' requires PTX ISA .version 2.1 or later

ptxas /tmp/tmpxft_00004313_00000000-2_pixelrgba.ptx, line 75; error   : Feature 'functions as initial values' requires .target sm_20 or higher

ptxas fatal   : Ptx assembly aborted due to errors

make: *** [pixelrgba.cu.o] Error 255

I’m using a Tesla C2050 with driver version 270.41.06. According to the Programming Guide, virtual functions should work with GPU’s of compute capability 2.x.

compile for 2.x with ‘-arch sm_2x’ e.g. ‘-arch sm_20’

Thanks. Problem solved.