Difficulty with CUFFT lib. HELP! cufft Inverse is not giving the supposed results

I am trying to use the cufft library. I am creating a 2D signal, applying a 2D fft on the 2D signal and then applying fft inverse to get back the original signal. The problem is that the output is nowhere near the original signal. Can someone guide me and tell me if I am doing something wrong please.

Here is the code:

main( int argc, char** argv)
int NX = 17, NY = 17;
cufftHandle plan;
cufftComplex idata, odata, tdata;
)&idata, sizeof(cufftComplex)NXNY);
*)&odata, sizeof(cufftComplex)NXNY);
cudaMalloc((void**)&tdata, sizeof(cufftComplex)NXNY);

cufftComplex* Input = (cufftComplex*)malloc(NY * NX * sizeof(cufftComplex));

for(int y = 0; y < NY; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < NX; x++)
Input[(y * NX) + x].x = 255;
Input[(y * NX) + x].y = 0;

cudaMemcpy(idata, Input, (NY * NX * sizeof(cufftComplex)), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
/* Create a 2D FFT plan. /
cufftPlan2d(&plan, NX, NY, CUFFT_C2C);
Use the CUFFT plan to transform the signal out of place. */
cufftExecC2C(plan, idata, tdata, CUFFT_FORWARD);

cufftExecC2C(plan, tdata, odata, CUFFT_INVERSE);

cufftComplex* InputImage = (cufftComplex*)malloc(NY * NX * sizeof(cufftComplex));
cufftComplex* OutputImageFFT = (cufftComplex*)malloc(NY * NX * sizeof(cufftComplex));
cudaMemcpy(InputImage, idata, (NY * NX * sizeof(cufftComplex)), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
cudaMemcpy(OutputImageFFT, odata, (NY * NX * sizeof(cufftComplex)), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
for (int y = 0; y < NY; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < NX; x++)
printf(“X:%d, Y:%d, A:%f = B:%f %fi\n”, x, y, InputImage[((y * NX) + x)].x, OutputImageFFT[((y * NX) + x)].x, OutputImageFFT[((y * NX) + x)].y);


X:0, Y:0, A:255.000000 0.000000i = B:73694.984375 0.085018i
X:1, Y:0, A:255.000000 0.000000i = B:73695.039063 0.059780i
X:2, Y:0, A:255.000000 0.000000i = B:73695.156250 0.002077i
X:3, Y:0, A:255.000000 0.000000i = B:73695.054688 -0.106803i
X:4, Y:0, A:255.000000 0.000000i = B:73694.976563 -0.119947i
X:5, Y:0, A:255.000000 0.000000i = B:73694.882813 -0.017992i

The output should be:
X:0, Y:0, A:255.000000 0.000000i = B:255.000000 0.000000i
X:1, Y:0, A:255.000000 0.000000i = B:255.000000 0.000000i
X:2, Y:0, A:255.000000 0.000000i = B:255.000000 0.000000i
X:3, Y:0, A:255.000000 0.000000i = B:255.000000 0.000000i
X:4, Y:0, A:255.000000 0.000000i = B:255.000000 0.000000i
X:5, Y:0, A:255.000000 0.000000i = B:255.000000 0.000000i

You need to scale the results.


Thank you so much!!!