DIGITS ERROR: folder must contain at least two subdirectories


I’ve been trying to crate a custom dataset for digits for hours.

The command I have used for starting digits is:

sudo nvidia-docker run --name digits -d -p 8888:5000 -v /home/username/data:/home/username/data -v /home/username/digits-jobs:/workspace/jobs nvcr.io/nvidia/digits:18.05

The dataset which I am using is a subset of ILSVRC12 made following the steps from here:

My dataset is saved in /home/username/data and in the Training Images field I keep getting the ERROR: folder must contain at least two subdirectories message. I have to mention that I have given all the files 777 permission just so I could get over any possible issue and have been going and doing the same for all the files linked with symbolic links (the photos are actually linked with symbolic links made by the script in the given link and yes, the links are valid, I checked).

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you!

Hi. It’s 2022 and I’m facing this problem. Kindly advice what to do.