Trying to do a cros$HOME/Lins compile kernel build. After setting the CROSS_COMPILE environment variable and trying to build using the command . . .
./ -o $PWD/kernel_out
I’m getting path errors . . .
$HOME/Linux_for_Tegra/source/kernel/kernel-jammy-src//arch/arm64/configs/defconfig: No such file or directory
Directory kernel/kernel-jammy-src is not found
Sorry, I’m new to kernel builds and cross compiling . . .
I’m trying to figure out why it’s targeting that particular directory? It’s also inserting a double slash.
The directory $HOME/Linux_for_Tegra/source/kernel/ only has a Makefile and nothing else.
I pulled the Jetson_Linux_R36.3.0_aarch64.tbz2 file from here . . .
That was the only one I could find that had the script as it shows in the instructions . . .
The other piece I downloaded was the gcc toolchain . . .
So, my CROSS_COMPILE environment variable is set to . . .
export CROSS_COMPILE=$HOME/l4t-gcc/aarch64–glibc–stable-2022.08-1/bin/aarch64-buildroot-linux-gnu-