Displaying the CUDA consumer output over HDMI

Hi Siva,

The command is ./sample_camera_gmsl_raw

I am using ar0231-rccb sensor.

Let me know if you need any more details.


Dear ashutosh,
I have used sekonix rev7(ar0231-rccb sensor) on Drive 5.0.5b. The sample_camera_gmsl_raw is working fine. Could you check if you have connected camera in A0 port.Could you share pdk vesrion and camera details?

Hi Siva,

My camera is connected in A0 port. How to check the PDK version?

What camera details do you want? I am not using sekonix rev7 since ar0231 is our own sensor (OnSemi’s) so I am using MARS board. So probably that can be the reason?


Dear Ashutosh,
Can you please upgrade to latest PDK Drive 5.0.5b(Available at https://developer.nvidia.com/nvidia-drive-downloads) and check this symptom.


Dear Ashutosh,

Please check the PDK version with below file in your DPX2 folder. Thanks.
PDK Version : /etc/nvidia/version-ubuntu-rootfs.txt

Hi Siva,

My PDK version is 5.0.5a. I will upgrade it to 5.0.5b and let you know if this fixes the issue.


Hi Siva,

I updated my PDK to version 5.0.5b but I am still seeing the issue.


Dear ashutosh,
Is it possible to check that sample with sekonix? I dont see any problem with ar0231 sekonix camera like I mentined earlier

Hi Siva,
Unfortunately I do not have sekonix camera with me. Probably it might be related to the camera HW. I will just check if we have sekonix part.

Meanwhile can you please help me with some reference doc or something on how to write a new camera sensor driver for DrivePx2? what are all the information/perquisites we need to have to write the camera driver?
