Docker unable to start when using MIG GPU devices

Hello, I am trying to start a container using a MIG device on the DGX H100 following these instructions.

I have created the MIG instances and get the following output from nvidia-smi outside of the container

I, then, run:

sudo docker run --runtime=nvidia --gpus '"device=0:0"' -it --rm

which results in the following error:

docker: Error response from daemon: failed to create task for container: failed to create shim task: OCI runtime create failed: could not apply required modification to OCI specification: error modifying OCI spec: failed to inject CDI devices: unresolvable CDI devices unknown.

which has completely stumped me. I have tried also passing the MIG-<UUID> as specified in the above instructions but I get the same error. If I pass whole GPUs e.g. --gpus=0 then the container works as normal.

Thanks in advance for any help.

silly question but there are two architectures you can download there: arm64 and amd64. Did you get the amd64 one?

yes it is amd64, I double checked with docker inspect