Does Omniverse USD Composer not support custom GLSLFX shaders?

Hi, I want to ask whether Omniverse USD composer actually supports custom GLSLFX shaders besides built-in USD shaders and MDL materials?

Looking at OpenUSD docs, it does say that it supports them. If you look at OpenUSD source code, there are also a bunch of GLSLFX shaders that they use for testing. It also seems that built-in USD shaders (e.g. UsdPreviewSurface) source code are actually written in GLSLFX. So I naturally assumed Omniverse USD composer supports custom GLSLFX shaders.

However, when I tried to open one of the sample USD scenes (which has GLSLFX shaders in it) in Omniverse, it just renders everything in red color. I even tried to open the same scene in UsdView and it actually renders normally! Below are the render results of Omniverse (left) and UsdView (right):

After further testing with several different GLSLFX shaders, none of them worked in Omniverse, while some are normal and others broken in UsdView.

Is this because USD framework used in Omniverse somehow differs from that of OpenUSD? Ultimately, what I want to ask is whether Omniverse USD composer supports custom GLSLFX shaders or not.

Thanks for your time reading!

Just because OpenUSD, as a file format supports something does not automatically mean that our RTX rendering engine supports it. And vice versa. I will ask to check, but I am pretty sure that whilst this is possible with USD, we do not currently support this.

As you said, usd framework is not the same as Omniverse or the RTX renderer. Let me check and get back to you.

Thanks for the info! Is there any news on the confirmation yet? Because if Omniverse indeed doesn’t support GLSLFX, then I guess I have to use built-in USD shaders instead.

I am afraid we do not. Just MDL and now Material X

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