Does there exist / how to install, Nsight Compute UI on Mac (OS: 14) targeting Linux (Ubuntu 24.04))

I’m learning how to write CUDA kernels (ultimately for ML/AI).
My current workflow is

  • On Mac (MacOS 14.6, M1 Pro), opening VSCode
  • SSHing into a PC on my home network, running Ubuntu 24.04 (CUDA 12)
  • Writing simple kernels using commands like nvcc -o dbscan for example

It was recommended to me to try using Nsight Compute UI to be able to see source and SASS (which I would like to dive into) side-by-side. Like here.

Is this possible to do with my Mac/Linux set up?


Nsight Compute supports remote profile from Mac host. You can download it from Getting Started with Nsight Compute | NVIDIA Developer

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