OS Platform and Distribution (Linux Ubuntu 20.04 arm64)
Apollo installed from (source):
Apollo version (9.0):
Tensorrt version:
Equipment:NVIDIA DRIVE AGX ORIN (DRIVE-V6.0.3-P3710-AFW-Aurix-StepB-5.03.02)
When I compiled apollo: bash apollo.sh build, I encountered the following errorERROR: /apollo/modules/perception/lidar_detection/tools/BUILD:6:17: Linking modules/perception/lidar_detection/tools/offline_lidar_detection failed: (Exit 1): crosstool_wrapper_driver_is_not_gcc failed: error executing command external/local_config_cuda/crosstool/clang/bin/crosstool_wrapper_driver_is_not_gcc @bazel-out/aarch64-opt/bin/modules/perception/lidar_detection/tools/offline_lidar_detection-2.params /usr/bin/ld: bazel-out/aarch64-opt/bin/_solib_local/_U@local_Uconfig_Utensorrt_S_S_Ctensorrt___Uexternal_Slocal_Uconfig_Utensorrt_Stensorrt_Slib/libnvinfer.so.8: undefined reference to
nvdla::INetwork::addReshape(nvdla::ITensor*, nvdla::Dims4)'`
This forum is exclusively for developers who are part of the NVIDIA DRIVE™ AGX SDK Developer Program. To post in the forum, please use an account associated with your corporate or university email address.
This helps us ensure that the forum remains a platform for verified members of the developer program.
Thank you. If I use the company’s email, but it has been added to a domain and cannot be registered through the DRIVE ORIN developer account, how can I resolve this issue.
What the company email is?
You should get the support via NVOnline, please discuss with your internal team to know how to do that.
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