DriveWorks on Desktop PC


In order to ease our developments, we would like to use DriveWorks on PC and later on just cross compile the code for our Drive PX2.

Some libraries are available under “x86_64” folder within the DriverWorks installation but it does not clearly state the supported OS…
Do you have a list of supported OS (Ubuntu 14.04 or 16.04, Windows, …) and a way to retrieve corresponding binaries without DriveInstall?


Dear XavierR,
DriveWorks is supported on Ubuntu 14.04 and ubuntu 16.04 host machines.


Thanks for your answer.

Is there a way to install it without DriveInstall (such as deb packages)?
Are the Driveworks libraries identical on both OS or should we install a different package on each OS?


Dear XavierR,
You can run the DriveInstall installer and select the needed packages in custom option. Does that serve the purpose?
Installation steps are provided at Autonomous Vehicle Development Platforms | NVIDIA Docs


Actually, it do not really answer my question:
Are the libraries for Ubuntu 14 and Ubuntu 16 identical or do we need different binaries for Ubuntu 14 and Ubuntu 16?
(One more time this is confusing due to the name of the binary folder “x86_64”)


Dear XavierR,
Currently we do not provide any way to extract deb packages separately without running driveInstall installer.
When you run file, it downloads the corresponding OS debian packages and installs them.
you can notice this in installation folder with all files have subscript as OS(ubuntu 14.04 or ubuntu 16.04).




Hi, is there any support for ubuntu 18.04 yet?

Dear @phsonha,
There are no releases targeted for DRIVE PX2. The current DRIVE SW releases targeted for DRIVE AGX platform and are supported on Ubuntu 18.04