To get some more information we would like to dump the content of the QSPI flash on the Jetson module to compare working boards with non-working boards.
Is this somehow possible? Maybe in recovery mode?
Hi KevinFFF,
thank you for instructions on how to write/flash the QSPI flash.
Maybe I didn’t phrase it correctly, but I want to read out the QSPI flash from a device.
Just a thought, and one which might be completely useless. If you were to flash each unit’s QSPI, then the log of the flash of the QSPI might offer hints of the source used for the content. The actual content might be considered as equivalent to partitions despite being in the QSPI, and each part has a description of sorts if you look at: Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/cfg/flash_t234_qspi.xml
If we use @KevinFFF’s flash line, it can be logged by appending " 2>&1 | tee log_qspi.txt":
sudo ./ -c bootloader/generic/cfg/flash_t234_qspi.xml jetson-orin-nano-devkit internal 2>&1 | tee log_qspi.txt
Possibly this might lead to the content which is used to create the data you are interested in despite not actually being read from QSPI (there is probably some signing information when reading it anyway, and you’d be interested the content before signing).
Do you mean that you want to create an QSPI image from the device?
If so, you may try using backup script( for this use case.
It will generate QSPI0.img.