emacs configuration for cuda


Does anyone have their emacs configured for cuda with syntax highlighting and the other bells and whistles? Would they mind sharing their configuration with the community?

I found one here (EmacsWiki: Cuda Mode) but simply copying and pasting it in my emacs file did not work. It complained about the use of defconst. I am using emacs 23.


Although not all that elegant, I get around this issue by creating various .c modules
which I edit with emacs and which get the normal C support. Then I have a single, short
.cu file that just includes the .c files. My Makefile points to the .cu file.
Its just a kludge so I didnt have to figure out how to deal with emacs, which has so many
features that its documentation is unusable (another problem for a different forum, I would


Much simpler to just put following in your .emacs file:

(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\.cu$" . c++-mode))

Or alternatively, on a per .cu file basis, you could say just put following in the first line of your .cu files:

// -*- c++ -*-

This is not a bad work-around. cuda-mode does not work v23. but I think cc-mode is already changed quite big making many incompatible.

I often apply c-mode or c+±mode to the .cu buffer

M-x c++-mode

I have added

(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '(“\.cu$” . c+±mode))

to my ~/.emacs and that seems to work fine.


    Dr. W. B. Langdon,
    Department of Computer Science, 
    King's College London,
    Strand, London, WC2R 2LS, UK

FOGA 2011 [url=“FOGA 2011 - Foundations of Genetic Algorithms XI”]http://www.sigevo.org/foga-2011/[/url]
CIGPU 2010 [url=“http://www.cs.ucl.ac.uk/external/W.Langdon/cigpu”]http://www.cs.ucl.ac.uk/external/W.Langdon/cigpu[/url]
A Field Guide to Genetic Programming
RNAnet [url=“http://bioinformatics.essex.ac.uk/users/wlangdon/rnanet”]http://bioinformatics.essex.ac.uk/users/wlangdon/rnanet[/url]
GP EM [url=“Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines | Home”]http://www.springer.com/10710[/url]
GP Bibliography [url=“The Genetic Programming Bibliography”]http://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~wbl/biblio/[/url]


If you want to use that mode, you have to copy-paste it in another file, such as cuda-mode.el (somewhere in your load-path). You can then add the following to your .emacs:

(autoload 'cuda-mode "cuda-mode.el" "Cuda mode." t)

(setq auto-mode-alist (append '(("/*.\.cu$" . cuda-mode)) auto-mode-alist))

Little tip: in cuda-mode.el, change the line

(c-add-language 'cuda-mode 'c-mode))


(c-add-language 'cuda-mode 'c++-mode))

to have C++ syntax highlighting (useful for namespaces, templates, …).

Can you confirm the suggestion works in emacs 23?

I’ve downloaded the cuda-mode.el from http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/CudaMode then added to where .emacs file is.

But I can’t highlight the .cu$ file.

Can you confirm the suggestion works in emacs 23?

I’ve downloaded the cuda-mode.el from http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/CudaMode then added to where .emacs file is.

But I can’t highlight the .cu$ file.

I have an updated cuda-mode.el in my Git repository. You can see it here or download it here. It uses C++ instead of C, and works fine on my Emacs 23.2.

Be careful to add the cuda-mode.el file in a directory that is in your load-path, or Emacs won’t be able to find it! (you can check it with C-h v load-path RET). I store all my emacs config files in ~/.config/emacs, and have the following line in my ~/.emacs:

(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.config/emacs")

(autoload 'cuda-mode "cuda-mode.el" "Cuda mode." t)

(setq auto-mode-alist (append '(("\.cu$" . cuda-mode)) auto-mode-alist))

I have an updated cuda-mode.el in my Git repository. You can see it here or download it here. It uses C++ instead of C, and works fine on my Emacs 23.2.

Be careful to add the cuda-mode.el file in a directory that is in your load-path, or Emacs won’t be able to find it! (you can check it with C-h v load-path RET). I store all my emacs config files in ~/.config/emacs, and have the following line in my ~/.emacs:

(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.config/emacs")

(autoload 'cuda-mode "cuda-mode.el" "Cuda mode." t)

(setq auto-mode-alist (append '(("\.cu$" . cuda-mode)) auto-mode-alist))

Thanks for the reply and I’m using emacs 23.2 and ubuntu 10.04.

I’ve copied your file under /.emacs.d/ so I changed the first line to (add-to-list 'load-path “~/.emacs.d”).

But I had no luck yet. I got following error;

[i]Loading cc-langs…done

Eval error in the c-lang-defconst' for c-primitive-type-kwds’ in cuda-mode:

Eval error in the c-lang-defconst' for c-keywords’ in cuda-mode:

Eval error in the c-lang-defconst' for c-regular-keywords-regexp’ in cuda-mode:

Eval error in the c-lang-defconst' for c-basic-matchers-before’ in cuda-mode:

Eval error in the c-lang-defconst' for c-matchers-2’ in cuda-mode:

File mode specification error: (error “`c-primitive-type-kwds’ got no (prior) value in cuda-mode (might be a cyclic reference)”)

byte-code: Beginning of buffer[/i]

Am I missing cc-mode package? I can see c/C++ hightlight on cxx or hxx files.

Thanks for the reply and I’m using emacs 23.2 and ubuntu 10.04.

I’ve copied your file under /.emacs.d/ so I changed the first line to (add-to-list 'load-path “~/.emacs.d”).

But I had no luck yet. I got following error;

[i]Loading cc-langs…done

Eval error in the c-lang-defconst' for c-primitive-type-kwds’ in cuda-mode:

Eval error in the c-lang-defconst' for c-keywords’ in cuda-mode:

Eval error in the c-lang-defconst' for c-regular-keywords-regexp’ in cuda-mode:

Eval error in the c-lang-defconst' for c-basic-matchers-before’ in cuda-mode:

Eval error in the c-lang-defconst' for c-matchers-2’ in cuda-mode:

File mode specification error: (error “`c-primitive-type-kwds’ got no (prior) value in cuda-mode (might be a cyclic reference)”)

byte-code: Beginning of buffer[/i]

Am I missing cc-mode package? I can see c/C++ hightlight on cxx or hxx files.

I was able to make this work with xemacs by putting the configuration code into my .xemacs/init.el file, changing the load path to point to ~/.xemacs, and putting the cuda-mode.el file in ~/.xemacs

I tried the elisp code linked above ([url]http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/CudaMode[/url]) on GNU Emacs in Ubuntu 10.10, then in openSUSE 12.12 and finally in Windows XP, and it works fine everywhere. I copied the code as it is in the .emacs init file. For Windows, I happened to have an msys installation, and the HOME environment variable was set because of that installation, so I copied .emacs there. For Linux, it has to be just the home directory of the current user.