Please provide the following info (tick the boxes after creating this topic):
Software Version
DRIVE OS 6.0.6
DRIVE OS 6.0.5
DRIVE OS 6.0.4 (rev. 1)
Target Operating System
[*] Linux
Hardware Platform
[*] DRIVE AGX Orin Developer Kit (940-63710-0010-300)
DRIVE AGX Orin Developer Kit (940-63710-0010-200)
DRIVE AGX Orin Developer Kit (940-63710-0010-100)
DRIVE AGX Orin Developer Kit (940-63710-0010-D00)
DRIVE AGX Orin Developer Kit (940-63710-0010-C00)
DRIVE AGX Orin Developer Kit (not sure its number)
SDK Manager Version
[*] other
Host Machine Version
native Ubuntu Linux 20.04 Host installed with SDK Manager
[*] native Ubuntu Linux 20.04 Host installed with DRIVE OS Docker Containers
native Ubuntu Linux 18.04 Host installed with DRIVE OS Docker Containers
We have the Nvidia Drive AGX Orin, along with the Vehicle Accessory kit. We want to test the CAN Communication on the Target Device(AGX Orin).
We are following the above link to set up the CAN, however we are not sure how to set it up properly. Below are some of the screenshots of the steps that we are stuck on.
From the above screenshots the instructions are not pointing to where to enable the CAN Drivers on the Target device.
Is there some files in the driveworks docker container that we need to transfer to the Target device? If so can you list them?
Can you please help us in any way possible?
Thanks in advance.
We have looked into the link provided by yourself, we tried to setup the can0 bitrate and sent some data through, as shown in the screenshots below.
The details that you see on the screenshot is only showing data between 2 terminal windows without the harness cables being connected. Therefore it is not a valid loopback test. We can seem to send any data via cansend function from one terminal window to another terminal window, which will receive the data when we use candump function, irrespective of the harness cables being connected or disconnected.
We require the following things to work:
We want to test the cables, as in send the CAN signals through the cable harnesses and receive it on some other device. We have set up the CAN loopback connections as shown in the pictures of Harness H1& H2 as shown in the link: Test Specific Setup | NVIDIA Docs
Is there a way to check if the mttcan and mttcan-ivc drivers are set on the target properly or not.
We want to run the sample program in Driveworks SDK called: " ./sample_canbus_interpreter --driver=can.socket --params=device=can0 " and test it with a real device. So for example we want to send steering angle data from the drive unit via Harness cable to the other end connected with a CAN interface device(CAN to USB) connected to another PC to see the received data.
Hi @chintan.patel2 ,
Just want to confirm if CAN Loopback Cable TS3 is prepared? Could you please share the pictures of all connections used for the test?
Also, could you try below commands
Terminal 1
sudo ip link set can0 type can bitrate 500000 berr-reporting on
sudo ip link set can1 type can bitrate 500000 berr-reporting on
sudo ip link set up can0
sudo ip link set up can1
Terminal 2
candump -x can1
Terminal 1
cansend can0 220#50
seems to be loaded by default on target. I am checking on file needs to be changed for mttcan-ivi and update you.
nvidia@tegra-ubuntu:~$ lsmod | grep can
can_raw 28672 0
can 28672 1 can_raw
mttcan 65536 0
can_dev 36864 1 mttcan
nvpps 28672 2 mttcan,nvethernet
In your current setting, what do you see in log, when you run ./sample_canbus_interpreter --driver=can.socket --params=device=can0
on one terminal and run cansend can0 220#50
in loop on other termimal.
Hi there, we are in the middle of testing the system with the instructions you specified. We however need to know how to access the log when we run ./sample_canbus_interpreter --driver=can.socket --params=device=can0
Hi there, I’ve attached the photos of the cable connections for the CAN Loopback Cable TS3, as well as the pictures of commands from the terminals.
These are the cable connections, and below are the screenshots of the command terminals.
We have sent data on CAN0, however we cannot see any data received on CAN1.
Please can we get assistance in this, and also we still do not know where and how to access log.
Thanks in advance.
Hello @SivaRamaKrishnaNV,
Can we please get an update with regards to my previous post?
Dear @chintan.patel2,
Thank you for sharing connection details. I will check internally and update you.
Hello @SivaRamaKrishnaNV,
Any updates on my earlier query regarding CAN communication?
Hi @chintan.patel2 ,
I see some wire connection between p12 and p15. May I know the details about it?
Also p4-> p11 and p12-> p13 connection wires are loopback cables suggested in documentation?
Hi @SivaRamaKrishnaNV ,
I have made connections as mentioned in the documentation, I have attached a screenshot of the same.
This is the connection between P12, P15 and P13.
We did not possess the TS3 CAN loopback cable but we have made use of Male DB9 connectors, which have terminal ends on other end. For your reference:
Hi @SivaRamaKrishnaNV ,
Any updates for my regarding the ongoing CAN query?
Also, I do have on more connection query, if you can clear it out it would be great.
The connections between P3 and P14. There are individual resistor connections which is fine, but there is also a connection which connects P3 and p14, just wanted to check if we need that connection.
These show connecting the 120ohm resistors on the instructed pins for P3 and P14.
This image shows the connection between P3 and P14.
Is this connection for our Drive Unit, as it shows P3663 as well, and the serial number of Nvidia Drive AGX Orin is P3710.
It would it be great if can get this cleared.
Thank you.
Dear @chintan.patel2,
The connections looks correct to me. I would expect can loopback test to work. Could you please file a bug and share bug ID details here for follow up. Please click Submit new bug tag to file a bug at Log in | NVIDIA Developer
Hello @SivaRamaKrishnaNV ,
I’ve filed a bug, Bug ID - 4727586. I have tried sending signals from command,‘‘cansend can1 200#50’’ and it does get received on my CAN-FD interface device, but not on the ‘‘candump -x can0’’. Which i assume it should after the loopback connections are made. Correct me if i am wrong. It does does give data on the ‘‘candump -x can1’’. So, i assume we need to get the data on the ‘‘candump -x can0’’.
Hello @SivaRamaKrishnaNV ,
Thank you for clarifying this, also can i ask how long would it take to resolve the issue?
Also, would it it be right in saying that i cannot send CAN Signals to a vehicle and control the same?
@chintan.patel2 Thank you filing the bug. We will follow up issue via bug. I will update the bug with connection details share by you and seek any other needed details via bug.
Hello @SivaRamaKrishnaNV
Any updates on the issue mentioned above, any updates on the bug?
Also, does this situation mean that i will not be able to send CAN Signals to the vehicle?
Dear @chintan.patel2,
I am yet to hear update internally on can loopback connection
send CAN Signals to the vehicle?
Means you want to send data using pcan?
Hello @SivaRamaKrishnaNV
Yes, what I mean to ask is that, is it just CAN Loopback connection issue/bug, or is this also an issue where I cannot send and receive signals from a vehicle?
Also, is the issue with just our unit or with DRIVE AGX in general?
Regards and Thanks