I am writing an extension in which I control a mobile manipulator. My usd file has a Panda and a Husky connected between Panda base link and Husky chassis by a fix joint and exclude the joint from articulation. In addition, I deleted the fix joint to fix the manipulator base.
I am using RmpFlow to control a manipulator to follow a target.
After I move Husky forward and stop, the end-effector reaches the target for a while, and it starts oscillating together with Panda’s base even though there is a fix joint between the manipulator and the mobile robot. And if I move Husky then stop the whole manipulator oscillate.
In addition, Husky chassis is drifting even when I set COM of the wheels to 0,0,0
manipulator z oscillate.zip (1.1 MB)
oscillation.zip (4.1 MB)
Anyone? Or am I following a wrong path to construct a mobile manipulator from a mobile robot and a manipulator?
Can you make a pass on your rigid bodies mass properties and ensure you have non-zero masses and inertia tensors for all?
When there’s a broken mass properties the articulation may get NaNs somewhere along the chain and this behavior you are seeing is one of the symptoms of that.
Thank you for your response. By using ArticulationSubset, I completed my task.
Regarding your response, even though, I used the robot models from IsaacSim: Jackal and Franka the problem still appear.
When the Jackal moved fast and then stop (wheel speed is set to 500 or above), Franka will oscilate.
I attached the .usd file here.
franka_jackal (1).zip (5.1 KB)
And bellow is the config of my fixed joint