Equivalent to NV_ENC_CONFIG_HEVC::enableFillerDataInsertion, on Jetson?

Is there a way to make a Jetson HEVC output bitstream add filler bytes to maintain CBR?

From the Video SDK description:

    uint32_t enableFillerDataInsertion             :1;              /**< [in]: Set to 1 to enable insertion of filler data in the bitstream.
                                                                               This flag will take effect only when CBR rate control mode is in use and both
                                                                               NV_ENC_INITIALIZE_PARAMS::frameRateNum and
                                                                               NV_ENC_INITIALIZE_PARAMS::frameRateDen are set to non-zero
                                                                               values. Setting this field when
                                                                               NV_ENC_INITIALIZE_PARAMS::enableOutputInVidmem is also set
                                                                               is currently not supported and will make ::NvEncInitializeEncoder()
                                                                               return an error. */

We have checked with our team and confirmed this is not supported on Jetson platforms. There is no option to enable filler data. Please kindly note it.

Thanks for checking.

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