Please provide the following info:
Hardware Platform:DRIVE AGX Xavier™ Developer Kit
Software Version:Not Sure [Example: DRIVE Software 10, DRIVE Software 9]
Host Machine Version:Ubuntu 16.04
SDK Manager Version: Beta
We have two Drive AGX Xavier boards with versions:
E3550 699-63350-0001-500 B.2 RW0 and E3550 699-63350-0001-501 G1
With board E3550 699-63350-0001-500 B.2 we have flashed PDK, and with E3550 699-63350-0001-501 G1 we have problem:
On workstation with Ubuntu 16.04 we installed Drive PDK 5.0.13 offline installation with SDK manager Beta,
We tried to flash it manually with command: sudo ./ -b e3550b01-t194a and we are getting error and following are last few lines of error logs:
flash ~/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/DRIVE/QNX/ ~/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/DRIVE/QNX/
Sending MB1 & Applet
------------ Stack Trace ------------
stack frame 0 - 287 AbnormalTermination /home/map/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/DRIVE/QNX/
stack frame 1 - 2082 SendAndBootAppletSigned /home/map/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/DRIVE/QNX/
stack frame 2 - 2476 BootRCM /home/map/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/DRIVE/QNX/
stack frame 3 - 362 source /home/map/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/DRIVE/QNX/
stack frame 4 - 1011 main /home/map/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/DRIVE/QNX/
Tool OutPut:
USB communication failed.Check if device is in recovery
Tool OutPut to stderr:
USB communication failed.Check if device is in recovery
Process CMD (29669) still running. Trying to kill after 5 seconds
/home/map/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/DRIVE/QNX/ line 124: 29669 Killed tail -f ${s_FlashLogFiles[@]}
We also tried to flash using SDK Manager but still it is faling.
Can you confirm us is newer board(E3550 699-63350-0001-501 G1) compatible with 5.0.13 software and how to resolve our issue?
Any lead to fix this issue and/or possible area to look into it.