- cuRobo installation mode: docker via isaac_ros_common/docker/Dockerfile.ros2_humble - branch: 855d408
- python version: 3.10.12
- curobo: isaac_ros_cumotion via branch: 3bfed9d
- start via: ros2 run isaac_ros_cumotion cumotion_planner_node --ros-args -p robot:=kr1.xrdf -p urdf_path:=kr1.urdf
There is an error in the _build_kinematics_with_lock_joints() function when you load a robot with joints that are not fixed and also not in the robot arm.
File "/home/bren/ws_humanoid/build/curobo_core/curobo/src/curobo/cuda_robot_model/cuda_robot_generator.py", line 527, in _build_kinematics_with_lock_joints
if "mimic" in joint_data[k]:
KeyError: 'left_wheel_joint'
I can solve this with this modified code:
for k in lock_joint_names:
if k in joint_data:
mimic_link_names = [[x["parent"], x["child"]] for x in joint_data[k]["mimic"]]
mimic_link_names = [x for xs in mimic_link_names for x in xs]
lock_links += mimic_link_names
This then leads to some other problem that I managed to solve, but as I don’t 100% know what this code is doing I haven’t created a pull request.
With a print statement this is the joints in the 2 dicts:
self.joint_names: ['arm_joint_1', 'arm_joint_2', 'arm_joint_3', 'arm_joint_4', 'arm_joint_5', 'arm_joint_6', 'arm_joint_7']
joint_data: {}
lock_joint_names: ['left_wheel_joint', 'right_wheel_joint', 'torso_joint_1', 'torso_joint_2', 'gripper_motor_joint']
My kr1.xrdf file:
format: xrdf
format_version: 1.0
- set_base_frame: "base_link"
arm_joint_1: 0.8508
arm_joint_2: -1.0055
arm_joint_3: -1.4077
arm_joint_4: -2.1193
arm_joint_5: 2.8
arm_joint_6: 0.8199
arm_joint_7: 0.0
- "arm_joint_1"
- "arm_joint_2"
- "arm_joint_3"
- "arm_joint_4"
- "arm_joint_5"
- "arm_joint_6"
- "arm_joint_7"
acceleration_limits: [12.0, 12.0, 12.0, 12.0, 12.0, 12.0, 12.0]
jerk_limits: [500.0, 500.0, 500.0, 500.0, 500.0, 500.0, 500.0]
tool_frames: ["arm_link_7"]