Error on build example

Hello, I’m trying to integrate sick TIM571 with Isaac. For that I am following the example GitHub - SickScan/sick_scan_nvidia_isaac: NVIDIA Isaac Integration Layer for SICK AG Lidar . But I’m not able to build the program by the following error:

ERROR: no such package ‘@com_nvidia_isaac//third_party’: No WORKSPACE file found in /home/iuri/.cache/bazel/_bazel_iuri/76bd72e83c1f57912f9b196ddc9df8db/external/com_nvidia_isaac
INFO: Elapsed time: 0.051s
INFO: 0 processes.
FAILED: Build did NOT complete successfully (0 packages loaded)

I adjusted the workspace folder to <path = “/home/iuri/isaac”,>

How to solve??

It appears from the error that Bazel could not find the Isaac SDK directory.

Is the sick_scan_nvidia_isaac Git clone directory a sibling of where you untarred the Isaac SDK 2020.2? You updated the WORKSPACE file in sick_scan_nvidia_isaac to refer to the location of the untarred Isaac SDK 2020.2 and received the above error?

Yes, both sick_scan_nvidia_isaac and Isaac SDK 2020.2 folders are in the same directory: /home. Exactly, I updated the WORKSPACE file to refer to the ISAAC SDK 2020.2 folder and when doing the build this error happens.

Try changing the Isaac SDK directory reference to ISAAC SDK 2020.2 ROOT/sdk instead of just ISAAC SDK 2020.2 ROOT. We split engine and sdk into two different Bazel workspaces in the SDK in 2020.2 which may be causing problems here.

It was exactly what I did at first, but then the following error is reported:
ERROR: Failed to load Starlark extension ‘@com_nvidia_isaac_engine//bzl:deps.bzl’.
Cycle in the workspace file detected. This indicates that a repository is used prior to being defined.
The following chain of repository dependencies lead to the missing definition.

  • @com_nvidia_isaac_engine
    This could either mean you have to add the ‘@com_nvidia_isaac_engine’ repository with a statement like http_archive in your WORKSPACE file (note that transitive dependencies are not added automatically), or move an existing definition earlier in your WORKSPACE file.
    ERROR: cycles detected during target parsing
    INFO: Elapsed time: 0.126s
    INFO: 0 processes.
    FAILED: Build did NOT complete successfully (0 packages loaded)

The next idea I had was to separate the two Bazel facilities into two distinct local_repository:
name = “com_nvidia_isaac_engine”,
path = “/home/iuri/isaac/engine”,
name = “com_nvidia_isaac_sdk”,
path = “/home/iuri/isaac/sdk”,
From there I started to change all the dependencies separating by the different Bazel workspaces … until a point that the following error happened:
Starting local Bazel server and connecting to it…
ERROR: /home/iuri/sick_scan_nvidia_isaac/repositories.bzl:18:1: file ‘@com_nvidia_isaac_engine//bzl:deps.bzl’ does not contain symbol ‘isaac_new_http_archive’ (did you mean ‘isaac_http_archive’?)
ERROR: error loading package ‘’: Extension file ‘repositories.bzl’ has errors
INFO: Elapsed time: 1.965s
INFO: 0 processes.
FAILED: Build did NOT complete successfully (0 packages loaded)

I couldn’t find the reference to isaac_new_http_archive in any other file.

1 Like

I have the same problem. It would be great if you have a solution already. Any ideas?

It would be helpful if you guys could help us out with this issue. We are trying to integrate GitHub - SICKAG/sick_safetyscanners_isaac: NVIDIA Isaac Integration Layer for SICK safety laser scanners into Isaac SDK 2021.1

Here is the reported issue thread:

Thank you for looking into the issue.

Here’s a sample of my WORKSPACE external to Isaac SDK root that appears similar to yours. I end up loading many things in my WORKSPACE file to make sure my dependent targets resolve correctly. There is no macro/rule/symbol I can find called “isaac_new_http_archive”, not sure where this is being requested.

workspace(name = "my_workspace")

    name = "com_nvidia_isaac_engine",
    path = "/workspaces/isaac-sdk/engine",

    name = "com_nvidia_isaac_sdk",
    path = "/workspaces/isaac-sdk/sdk",

load("@com_nvidia_isaac_engine//bzl:deps.bzl", "isaac_http_archive")
load("@com_nvidia_isaac_engine//third_party:engine.bzl", "isaac_engine_workspace")
load("@com_nvidia_isaac_sdk//third_party:assets.bzl", "isaac_assets_workspace")
load("@com_nvidia_isaac_sdk//third_party:packages.bzl", "isaac_packages_workspace")
load("@com_nvidia_isaac_sdk//third_party:ros.bzl", "isaac_ros_workspace")
load("@com_nvidia_isaac_sdk//third_party:zed.bzl", "isaac_zed_workspace")
load("@com_nvidia_isaac_sdk//packages/sensor_certification:sensor_certification.bzl", "sensor_certification_workspace")









I am able to compile and run the app. Thanks for your help.
FYI - bazel build issue · Issue #1 · SICKAG/sick_safetyscanners_isaac · GitHub


We made some progress compiling and testing the SICK Lidars ( GitHub - SICKAG/sick_safetyscanners_isaac: NVIDIA Isaac Integration Layer for SICK safety laser scanners ) but currently stuck testing it in WebSight.

Here is the snippet of the errors —

/home/x/.cache/bazel/_bazel_x/df27c2fbab5c087887dcfca680e7380b/execroot/sick_safetyscanners/bazel-out/k8-opt/bin/packages/sick/apps/sick_safetyscanner_websight.runfiles/sick_safetyscanners//external/com_nvidia_isaac/packages/utils/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

2021-08-04 11:25:26.049 ERROR external/com_nvidia_isaac_engine/engine/alice/backend/modules.cpp@295: external/com_nvidia_isaac/packages/viewers/ /home/x/.cache/bazel/_bazel_x/df27c2fbab5c087887dcfca680e7380b/execroot/sick_safetyscanners/bazel-out/k8-opt/bin/packages/sick/apps/sick_safetyscanner_websight.runfiles/sick_safetyscanners//external/com_nvidia_isaac/packages/viewers/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
2021-08-04 11:25:26.049 PANIC

— Please see the link for complete background on the issue → bazel build issue · Issue #1 · SICKAG/sick_safetyscanners_isaac · GitHub

Please see if you can give us more insight into this issue.
