Hello, I’m trying to install build the build the package from source, but when I use “rosdep install --from-paths src/isaac_ros_apriltag --ignore-src -y” in my ROS_WS, I receive the following error:
ERROR: the following packages/stacks could not have their rosdep keys resolved
to system dependencies:
gxf_isaac_fiducials: Cannot locate rosdep definition for [gxf_isaac_gems]
I’ve already tried to comment the line “<build_depend>gxf_isaac_gems</build_depend>” in the package.xml, build it passing through this step and changing the rosdep install arguments, but I can’t find any resolution in internet about it.
Hi @cauabenini07
Welcome to the Isaac ROS forum.
I just tested the Quickstart documentation build from source, and I didn’t encounter your error.
Have you followed the quickstart from: isaac_ros_apriltag — isaac_ros_docs documentation
If you have an old clone of Isaac ROS Apriltag and Isaac ROS common, try cloning the repository again and restarting your docker. This may fix your error.
Let me know if I helped you.
Thanks Raffaello, I didn’t realize I was trying to build Isaac ROS 3.0 in my Jetson Xavier - that has not NVIDIAs’ support anymore. I’ll get back to the 2.1.
Anyway, I’d like to change the message published when I type “echo /tag_detections”, could you help me with this? It has been a little hard to find the right file and code lines to change.
Hi @cauabenini07
Happy to hear that now works.
What do you mean by “change the message published”?