error: time warp or clock problem, when I install CUDA on my TK1.

what is the problem?error: time warp or clock problem, when I install CUDA on my TK1.

I don’t know details, but this tends to mean files on the file system are marked in the future (or off by some large amount). Typically, Linux will set the clock time via NTP when the network becomes available…other operations before that will depend on where the clock was when power was off (and if there is no backup battery, typically around the year 1970). If networking is not set up along with ntp service, then time never gets set correctly at all. So…what does the command “date” show?

Second, the files being installed might have been created on a machine with date being incorrect. In the case of tar files, you can have tar preserve dates or set dates to the current system time. If the “date” command was showing correctly, what is the package format you are using?