Error with gst-resource-error-quark

  1. We are experience some micro cuts 1 to 4 sec in the connection with the IP Cameras, this could make the app crash?

  2. How i could debug the RTSP connection?

  3. After 20m with the app running, i connect to a RTSP camera when i see a person pass by the camera, 10m letter i see the same person pass in the Deepstream App.
    I think that this is causing the gst-resource-error-quark error

To add more information i using this Camaras:
Models: DS-2CD2023G0-I And DS-2CD2125FWD-I

i saw a post with similar problem, but there wasn’t a concrete answer for Python app, we bout use HikVision cameras, but my cuts ar shorts.

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