Error with without -p option


I am using L4T 32.6.1 on a custom carrier board (JetxonTX2 4GB).

I burned fuse with the following command.

$ sudo ./ -i 0x18 -k ../rsa_priv.pem -S ../sbk.key <device_name>
*** The fuse configuration is saved in bootloader/odmfuse_pkc.xml
*** The ODM fuse has been burned successfully.
*** done.

Contents of odmfuse_pkc.xml

$ cat bootloader/odmfuse_pkc.xml
<genericfuse MagicId="0x45535546" version="1.0.0">
<fuse name="SecureBootKey" size="16" value="0x******************************" />
<fuse name="PublicKeyHash" size="32" value="0x****************************************************************" />
<fuse name="BootSecurityInfo" size="4" value="0x6" />

Error with odmfuseread

$ sudo ./ -i 0x18 -k ../rsa_priv.pem -S ../sbk.key <device_name>
Error: ECID read failed.
The target board must be attached in RCM mode.

According to this post, it seems that odm_production_mode needs to be programmed as well.

I followed this post and burned the fuses using the following command.

$ sudo BOARDID=3489 BOARDSKU=0888 FAB=300 ./ --noburn -i 0x18 --auth SBKPKC -p -k ../rsa_priv.pem -S ../sbk.key <device_name>
$ mkdir fuseblob
$ tar -xf fuseblob.tbz2 -C fuseblob/
$ cd fuseblob/bootloader
$ sudo ./ 

fusecmd log: fusecmd_m.log (4.3 KB)

odmfuse_pkc.xml is as follows.

$ cat fuseblob/bootloader/odmfuse_pkc.xml 
<genericfuse MagicId="0x45535546" version="1.0.0">
<fuse name="SecurityMode" size="4" value="0x1" />

But it still errors.

$ sudo ./ -i 0x18 -k ../rsa_priv.pem -S ../sbk.key <device_name>
Error: ECID read failed.
The target board must be attached in RCM mode.

How can I avoid ECID read failure?
Please tell me what is wrong.


It was my mistake.

I solved the problem by using absolute paths instead of relative paths.

Glad to know issue resolved, Thanks

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