I am seeing some different errors when I try to attach multiple NvDsUserMeta objects to the frame_meta. Some of the c errors are:
- double free or corruption (fasttop) \n Aborted (core dumped)
- Segmentation Fault (core dumped)
and some times I experience a error in the meta_copy_func callback:
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'pybind11::error_already_set'
what(): AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'ts'
iva_app.py(289): meta_copy_func
Aborted (core dumped)
They most often occur when I have more than one rtsp source in my gstreamer pipeline. I have not experienced the same errors yet when running with only one source.
My code:
In the probe callback
## Create user_event
#msg_meta.frameId = frame_meta.frame_num
#msg_meta.trackingId = msg_json['object_id']
#msg_meta.confidence = msg_json['confidence']
msg_meta = generate_event_msg_meta(msg_meta, msg_json,frame_meta)
user_event_meta = pyds.nvds_acquire_user_meta_from_pool(batch_meta)
user_event_meta.user_meta_data = msg_meta
user_event_meta.base_meta.meta_type = pyds.NvDsMetaType.NVDS_EVENT_MSG_META
# Setting callbacks in the event msg meta. The bindings layer
# will wrap these callables in C functions. Currently only one
# set of callbacks is supported.
pyds.set_user_copyfunc(user_event_meta, meta_copy_func)
pyds.set_user_releasefunc(user_event_meta, meta_free_func)
pyds.nvds_add_user_meta_to_frame(frame_meta, user_event_meta)
print("Error in attaching event meta to buffer\n")
The generate message meta function
def generate_event_msg_meta(meta, msg_json, frame_meta):
meta.frameId = frame_meta.frame_num
meta.trackingId = msg_json['object_id']
meta.confidence = msg_json['confidence']
meta.sensorId = frame_meta.pad_index
meta.placeId = frame_meta.pad_index
meta.moduleId = 0 # Can be used for analytics configudation in msgconv
meta.otherAttrs = msg_json['direction']
meta.sensorStr = msg_json['linecrossings']
meta.type = pyds.NvDsEventType.NVDS_EVENT_EXIT
meta.ts = pyds.alloc_buffer(MAX_TIME_STAMP_LEN + 1)
pyds.generate_ts_rfc3339(meta.ts, MAX_TIME_STAMP_LEN)
## Object specific data
meta.objectId = msg_json['object_type']
if msg_json['object_type']== 'person':
meta.objType = pyds.NvDsObjectType.NVDS_OBJECT_TYPE_PERSON
meta.objType = pyds.NvDsObjectType.NVDS_OBJECT_TYPE_VEHICLE
### Just in case
meta.objClassId = 0
return meta
The copy function:
def meta_copy_func(data,user_data):
# Cast data to pyds.NvDsUserMeta
# Cast src_meta_data to pyds.NvDsEventMsgMeta
# Duplicate the memory contents of srcmeta to dstmeta
# First use pyds.get_ptr() to get the C address of srcmeta, then
# use pyds.memdup() to allocate dstmeta and copy srcmeta into it.
# pyds.memdup returns C address of the allocated duplicate.
dstmeta_ptr=pyds.memdup(pyds.get_ptr(srcmeta), sys.getsizeof(pyds.NvDsEventMsgMeta))
# Cast the duplicated memory to pyds.NvDsEventMsgMeta
# Duplicate contents of ts field. Note that reading srcmeat.ts
# returns its C address. This allows to memory operations to be
# performed on it.
dstmeta.ts=pyds.memdup(srcmeta.ts, MAX_TIME_STAMP_LEN+1)
# Copy the sensorStr. This field is a string property.
# The getter (read) returns its C address. The setter (write)
# takes string as input, allocates a string buffer and copies
# the input string into it.
# pyds.get_string() takes C address of a string and returns
# the reference to a string object and the assignment inside the binder copies content.
return dstmeta
The release function
def meta_free_func(data,user_data):
# pyds.free_buffer takes C address of a buffer and frees the memory
# It's a NOP if the address is NULL
Is there that one should handle multiple NvDsUserMeta when more than one object is generated in a single batch?
**• Jetson Xavier NX **
• Deepstream 5.0
• JetPack 4.4
• TensorRT 7.1.0
I also did some costumization to the nvmsgconv file. I have attached it here.
nvmsgconv.cpp (26.9 KB)