Ethernet safety configuration


We are currently working on safety architecture on our AGX, and we would like to configure our Ethernet switches.

So we are curious how to configure internal Ethernet switches?
How to filter traffic on ports, block ports? How to configure overall safety in Ethernet?

Dear murgica,

Could you please refer to Configuring the Network Interface part in DRIVE™ Software Documentation (ZIP) for topic first?

DRIVE OS → Setting Up Networking on the Host and Target → Configuring the Network Interface

Hi Steve,

We would like to use Nvidia AGX as ethernet switch. We have 2 devices which need to communicate with each other and both are connected on HSD ports.

We configured both devices with static IPs and same netmask, but they can’t ping each other. Is there a way to do this. It documentation, we can’t find anything.

Hi Murgica,

For connecting your AGX devices with each other you can use the following instruction on target devices.

  • connect your ethernet to 1GbE HSD port 1
  • edit /etc/network/interfaces and add
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto br0
iface br0 inet staticwbooting
	address 192.168.0.X (Unique IP)
  • use command: sudo ifup br0, if the command throws an error use the following command: sudo ip addr flush dev br0
  • You can optionally Reboot the AGX
  • now ping should work


    we wouldn’t like to connect 2 AGX devices, but devices on HSD connector to communicate with each other.

    Like in the picture:

    For now it doesn’t seem to work!

    Dear murigica,

    About the scenario shown in the picture, The two devices on the HSD connector can communicate with the AGX using static IPs, but these two devices cannot communicate with each other. The AGX cannot be used as an Ethernet switch for connecting external devices.