
Hi all. It is my first post and I’m not sure if I’m posting on the right subforum. I hope yes.

After some executions of my programm in CUDA, my graphic card suffers of something strange which makes the screen looks like the attachments. I have to reboot my computer in order to restore it. Does anybody know why is happening?

Thanks everyone.

O.S.: OpenSuse 10.2
CUDA version: 2.0
Graphics Card: GTX 9800+

ok… I’ve had the same issues when I started programming in CUDA too.
When I tried to debug, I came to know that I was accessing memories out of the 'malloc’ed range. After when I resolved this, things went back to normal. May be could look at your program for any such oddities…

Sure. The problem ask for the k-nearest neighbors for a group of N sites in R^2 space. “data” is a pointer which stores N floats2 (x and y position), and res is a N*K array where we store the K nearest neighbors for each site. Each one stores a float2 since in x we store the distance from the actuallu site and in y the position into the array.

All values of sites are in the [0,1]^2 space.

K, BLOCK_X, BLOCK_Y are constants with values 300, 32 and 16 respectively. N is the number of sites.

float2 * runGPU(float2 * data, uint N, QTextStream& stream)



	unsigned int timer = 0;



	//array where we store the positions of the site

	int dataSize=sizeof(float2)*N;

	float2 * dataDevice;

 	cudaMalloc((void**)&dataDevice,dataSize); //allocate sizeof(float2)*N space

	//copy from data (contains the site info) to GPU data


	//The result is the K nearest sites for each site (N*K)

	int resSize=sizeof(float2)*N*K;

	float2 * resDevice;


	dim3 dimBlock(BLOCK_X,BLOCK_Y);

	//each thread computes the K nearest neighbors for one site

	//The grid is defined as a 1 dimension array

 	dim3 dimGrid(N/(dimBlock.x*dimBlock.y)); 



	float2 * GPURes = new float2[N*K];



	stream<<"GPU total Time: "<<cutGetTimerValue(timer)/1000.<<"(s)"<<endl;




	return GPURes;


The kernel code:

__global__ void kNearest(float2 * data, float2 * res, float N)


	int n=blockIdx.x*(blockDim.x*blockDim.y) + (threadIdx.y*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x);

	//initialize all distances (x) to maximum value

	for(uint k=0;k<K;k++)

	 	res[(n*K)+k].x=1.5; // >sqrt(2.)

	//loop for every site

	for(uint j=0;j<N;j++)


		if(n!=j) //do not compate with himself


			float2 a = data[n];

			float2 b = data[j];

			//compute the distance between site n and j

			float dist = sqrt(pow(a.x-b.x,2) + pow(a.y-b.y,2));


			//look for the k position into the array (increassing order)

			uint pos=0;

			while(pos<K && dist>res[(n*K)+pos].x)



			//if is smaller than one value already stored in the array



				//move all values to the rigth

				for(uint w=K-1;w>pos;w--)

					res[(n*K)+w] = res[(n*K)+(w-1)];


				//finally store in the position the rigth value

				res[(n*K)+pos].x = dist;

				res[(n*K)+pos].y = j;





I assume that is not optimized for best performance but I just need that to work fine.

May be helps you to know that for small values of N it works fine and for great values of N returns all values to 0.

Thanks for your time.