Extension: Embedded Jupyter Notebook for NVIDIA Omniverse

Dear community,

This extension allows opening a Jupyter Notebook (JupyterLab or Jupyter Notebook) embedded in the current NVIDIA Omniverse application scope. It can be described as the Jupyter notebook version of Omniverse’s Script Editor enabling writing longer code/projects, documenting with formatted text, equations and images, persistent saving, and working remotely.

Target applications: Any NVIDIA Omniverse app
Supported OS: Windows and Linux

Check the README for setup, usage, implementation details, and limitations


Very cool @toni.sm!

Glad to contribute as a community member :)

Dear community

A new version of the extension (semu.misc.jupyter_notebook-v0.0.3-beta) has been released…

[0.0.3-beta] - 2022-12-31


  • Add kill_processes_with_port_in_use to extension settings
  • Add Omniverse documentation and developer resources to notebooks


  • Port in use at extension startup


I truly appreciate your work. This is awesome.

Hi @Pappachuck_renan

Thank you very much for your words…
Glad to contribute 😁

thank you so much… !!


Thank you for your comments. Glad to contribute to and in the community :)
Btw, the code is open on GitHub in case you want to contribute!!!

Dear community

A new version of the extension (semu.misc.jupyter_notebook-v0.1.1) has been released…

[0.1.1] - 2023-08-08



  • Implement embedded kernel on ipykernel.kernelbase.Kernel
  • Update links in resource notebooks


  • Threaded kernel implementation

Please, check the extension Troubleshooting section for installation issues, particularly for Omniverse applications based on Kit 105 (such as USD Composer 2023.1.1), presumably due to the use of older pip versions (20.1.1).

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