External SSD card became ready-only system

Hi, I tried two methods but both could not work: 1. I followed the similar steps from here: Enabling PPS on Jetson Nano here(I reflash the sd card firstly and then move to NVMe SSD by this method: https://jetsonhacks.com/2020/05/29/jetson-xavier-nx-run-from-ssd/);
2. I used the Image to flash to my SD card. For both methods, I transferred very big data like 500GB but then my USB-SSD card became read-only. When I used the Jetpack 4.6 I did not have the problem.

These 2 links seem not relating to the current topic.
You can simply using SDK Manager to flash the SD or NVMe SSD on the Xavier NX devkit.

Could you help to check what’s the exact size of data transferring would cause the issue?
(i.e. how about 1GB data? 10GB data? 100GB data? 300GB data)
Or you can try using $ sudo dd if=/dev/urandom of=/testfile.bin bs=1M count=1024 to create the 1GB test binary for transferring.