Extracting Image Bytes from NvMediaImage pointer


Are there NvMedia samples available for extracting the data/image bytes from an NvMediaImage data structure? From the API, it seems that the NvMediaImage data structure does not contain image data, but parameters required to create an image for display.

In addition, is there documentation in the API to create DwImageProperties from NvMediaImage properties?

Dear hleong,

Please refer to the following link for your topic.

IPP Capture (nvmipp_capture)

The NvMedia IPP capture tool functional features are as follows:
• Captures raw and processed output(s) to file(s) simultaneously, or one at a time.
• Starts writing frames after auto-algorithm convergence.
• Starts writing frames as available.
• Re-process captured raw stream through IPP.
• Supported file formats:
• Raw output: Bayer raw video stream, nvraw image.
• Processed output: JPEG, TIFF, and YUV420 stream.