Fail to booting from micro sd card

We have a project developed by the official Xavier NX development kit with micro SD card, but now the develop kit is out of stock.
We find an alternative development kit like this.
There is a problem that the booting sequence is different, the alternative one is booting from eMMc.
For the purpose of deployment, we desire to change the booting sequence in the alternative development kit from eMMc to micro SD card which we develop in official development kit.

Here are the steps:

  • At first, the alternative development kit have Japack 4.6 system.
  • After booting Xavier NX form eMMc, put the microSD card adapter(with micro SD card) into the USB port, and get the device info /dev/sdb2
  • openthe file of /boot/extinux/extinux.conf, modify the location from “root=/dev/mmcblk0p1” to "root=/dev/sdb2 "

After such steps, the booting sequence is fail as below, is any mistake for the steps

Thanks for any advice.


First, the form of your storage does not matter. The interface that you are using affects.
For example, if you use a sdcard → usb adapter and connect to the usb port on jetson, then it is a usb device to jetson. Not a sdcard.

Second, it looks like the file on your storage is corrupted. Please follow the document to prepare the drive.

Hi WayneWWW,

Thanks your info.
Another question regarding the booting flow.

It seems that the porting method are different for the different type of NX module such as development kit module, eMMc module with 8g ram, and eMMc module with 16g ram, and why the ram size affect it, I mean I set the booting sequence as external storage why the system in microSD card for 8g ram module couldn’t use for 16g ram module system.

In the beginning, I use the microSD card from official development kit as the booting external storage to eMMc module, then cause the fail result.

Is there any document for reference to clarify the concept of booting sequence, maybe is because of partition design etc.


I think you can share the exact error you hit (log file) so that we can know what happened.

This comment is not clear enough to tell what you did.

It seems that the porting method are different for the different type of NX module such as development kit module, eMMc module with 8g ram, and eMMc module with 16g ram, and why the ram size affect it, I mean I set the booting sequence as external storage why the system in microSD card for 8g ram module couldn’t use for 16g ram module system.

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