Fail to build inference engine of mobilevit model using tensorrt 8.2


I am working on converting pytorch ‘mobilevit’ model to tensorrt inference engine.
I try to export pytorch model to onnx and then run onnx-simplifier. I succeed to this point.
However, when I try to convert onnx-simplified model to tenssorrt I got error.
The error related to multi-head attention block of mobilevit model.

error message I got.

root/gpgpu/MachineLearning/myelin/src/compiler/optimizer/kqv_gemm_split.cpp:350: void myelin::ir::kqv_split_pattern_t::check_transpose(): Assertion `in_dims.size() == 3' failed.

I tested above mentioned converting step on several GPU.
Titan xp, A100, titan RTX.
All of my tries failed on above gpu.
I used NGC pytorch image 22.03-py3.

Help me why this happen and how to solve it.

I post my code below.

Entire log message

[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [I] [MemUsageChange] Init CUDA: CPU +426, GPU +0, now: CPU 827, GPU 3325 (MiB)
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [I] [MemUsageSnapshot] Begin constructing builder kernel library: CPU 827 MiB, GPU 3325 MiB
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [I] [MemUsageSnapshot] End constructing builder kernel library: CPU 1044 MiB, GPU 3397 MiB
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [I] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [I] Input filename:   mvit.onnx
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [I] ONNX IR version:  0.0.7
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [I] Opset version:    13
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [I] Producer name:    pytorch
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [I] Producer version: 1.11.0
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [I] Domain:           
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [I] Model version:    0
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [I] Doc string:       
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [I] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registered plugin creator - ::BatchTilePlugin_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registered plugin creator - ::BatchedNMS_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registered plugin creator - ::BatchedNMSDynamic_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registered plugin creator - ::CoordConvAC version 1
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registered plugin creator - ::CropAndResize version 1
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registered plugin creator - ::CropAndResizeDynamic version 1
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registered plugin creator - ::DetectionLayer_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registered plugin creator - ::EfficientNMS_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registered plugin creator - ::EfficientNMS_ONNX_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registered plugin creator - ::EfficientNMS_TFTRT_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registered plugin creator - ::FlattenConcat_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registered plugin creator - ::GenerateDetection_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registered plugin creator - ::GridAnchor_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registered plugin creator - ::GridAnchorRect_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registered plugin creator - ::InstanceNormalization_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registered plugin creator - ::LReLU_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registered plugin creator - ::MultilevelCropAndResize_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registered plugin creator - ::MultilevelProposeROI_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registered plugin creator - ::NMS_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registered plugin creator - ::NMSDynamic_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registered plugin creator - ::Normalize_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registered plugin creator - ::PriorBox_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registered plugin creator - ::ProposalLayer_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registered plugin creator - ::Proposal version 1
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registered plugin creator - ::ProposalDynamic version 1
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registered plugin creator - ::PyramidROIAlign_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registered plugin creator - ::Region_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registered plugin creator - ::Reorg_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registered plugin creator - ::ResizeNearest_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registered plugin creator - ::RPROI_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registered plugin creator - ::ScatterND version 1
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registered plugin creator - ::SpecialSlice_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registered plugin creator - ::Split version 1
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Adding network input: input with dtype: float32, dimensions: (1, 8, 1024, 120)
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registering tensor: input for ONNX tensor: input
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Importing initializer: to_out.0.bias
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Importing initializer: 81
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Importing initializer: 87
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [W] parsers/onnx/onnx2trt_utils.cpp:364: Your ONNX model has been generated with INT64 weights, while TensorRT does not natively support INT64. Attempting to cast down to INT32.
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Importing initializer: 104
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Importing initializer: 105
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Importing initializer: 6
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Importing initializer: 59
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Parsing node: MatMul_0 [MatMul]
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Searching for input: input
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Searching for input: 81
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] MatMul_0 [MatMul] inputs: [input -> (1, 8, 1024, 120)[FLOAT]], [81 -> (120, 96)[FLOAT]], 
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registering layer: 81 for ONNX node: 81
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registering layer: MatMul_0 for ONNX node: MatMul_0
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [I] MatMul_0: broadcasting input1 to make tensors conform, dims(input0)=[1,8,1024,120][NONE] dims(input1)=[1,1,120,96][NONE].
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registering tensor: tensor for ONNX tensor: tensor
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] MatMul_0 [MatMul] outputs: [tensor -> (1, 8, 1024, 96)[FLOAT]], 
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Parsing node: Split_2 [Split]
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Searching for input: tensor
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Searching for input: 6
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Split_2 [Split] inputs: [tensor -> (1, 8, 1024, 96)[FLOAT]], [6 -> (3)[INT32]], 
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registering layer: Split_2 for ONNX node: Split_2
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registering layer: Split_2_0 for ONNX node: Split_2
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registering layer: Split_2_1 for ONNX node: Split_2
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registering tensor: q for ONNX tensor: q
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registering tensor: k for ONNX tensor: k
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registering tensor: v for ONNX tensor: v
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Split_2 [Split] outputs: [q -> (1, 8, 1024, 32)[FLOAT]], [k -> (1, 8, 1024, 32)[FLOAT]], [v -> (1, 8, 1024, 32)[FLOAT]], 
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Parsing node: Reshape_3 [Reshape]
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Searching for input: q
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Searching for input: 87
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Reshape_3 [Reshape] inputs: [q -> (1, 8, 1024, 32)[FLOAT]], [87 -> (5)[INT32]], 
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registering layer: Reshape_3 for ONNX node: Reshape_3
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registering tensor: 26 for ONNX tensor: 26
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Reshape_3 [Reshape] outputs: [26 -> (1, 8, 1024, 4, 8)[FLOAT]], 
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Parsing node: Transpose_4 [Transpose]
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Searching for input: 26
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Transpose_4 [Transpose] inputs: [26 -> (1, 8, 1024, 4, 8)[FLOAT]], 
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registering layer: Transpose_4 for ONNX node: Transpose_4
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registering tensor: 27 for ONNX tensor: 27
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Transpose_4 [Transpose] outputs: [27 -> (1, 8, 4, 1024, 8)[FLOAT]], 
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Parsing node: Reshape_5 [Reshape]
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Searching for input: k
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Searching for input: 87
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Reshape_5 [Reshape] inputs: [k -> (1, 8, 1024, 32)[FLOAT]], [87 -> (5)[INT32]], 
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registering layer: Reshape_5 for ONNX node: Reshape_5
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registering tensor: 41 for ONNX tensor: 41
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Reshape_5 [Reshape] outputs: [41 -> (1, 8, 1024, 4, 8)[FLOAT]], 
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Parsing node: Reshape_6 [Reshape]
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Searching for input: v
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Searching for input: 87
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Reshape_6 [Reshape] inputs: [v -> (1, 8, 1024, 32)[FLOAT]], [87 -> (5)[INT32]], 
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registering layer: Reshape_6 for ONNX node: Reshape_6
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registering tensor: 55 for ONNX tensor: 55
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Reshape_6 [Reshape] outputs: [55 -> (1, 8, 1024, 4, 8)[FLOAT]], 
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Parsing node: Transpose_7 [Transpose]
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Searching for input: 55
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Transpose_7 [Transpose] inputs: [55 -> (1, 8, 1024, 4, 8)[FLOAT]], 
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registering layer: Transpose_7 for ONNX node: Transpose_7
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registering tensor: 56 for ONNX tensor: 56
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Transpose_7 [Transpose] outputs: [56 -> (1, 8, 4, 1024, 8)[FLOAT]], 
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Parsing node: Transpose_8 [Transpose]
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Searching for input: 41
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Transpose_8 [Transpose] inputs: [41 -> (1, 8, 1024, 4, 8)[FLOAT]], 
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registering layer: Transpose_8 for ONNX node: Transpose_8
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registering tensor: 57 for ONNX tensor: 57
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Transpose_8 [Transpose] outputs: [57 -> (1, 8, 4, 8, 1024)[FLOAT]], 
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Parsing node: MatMul_9 [MatMul]
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Searching for input: 27
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Searching for input: 57
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] MatMul_9 [MatMul] inputs: [27 -> (1, 8, 4, 1024, 8)[FLOAT]], [57 -> (1, 8, 4, 8, 1024)[FLOAT]], 
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registering layer: MatMul_9 for ONNX node: MatMul_9
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registering tensor: 58 for ONNX tensor: 58
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] MatMul_9 [MatMul] outputs: [58 -> (1, 8, 4, 1024, 1024)[FLOAT]], 
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Parsing node: Mul_11 [Mul]
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Searching for input: 58
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Searching for input: 59
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Mul_11 [Mul] inputs: [58 -> (1, 8, 4, 1024, 1024)[FLOAT]], [59 -> ()[FLOAT]], 
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registering layer: 59 for ONNX node: 59
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registering layer: Mul_11 for ONNX node: Mul_11
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registering tensor: input.1 for ONNX tensor: input.1
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Mul_11 [Mul] outputs: [input.1 -> (1, 8, 4, 1024, 1024)[FLOAT]], 
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Parsing node: Softmax_12 [Softmax]
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Searching for input: input.1
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Softmax_12 [Softmax] inputs: [input.1 -> (1, 8, 4, 1024, 1024)[FLOAT]], 
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registering layer: Softmax_12 for ONNX node: Softmax_12
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registering tensor: 61 for ONNX tensor: 61
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Softmax_12 [Softmax] outputs: [61 -> (1, 8, 4, 1024, 1024)[FLOAT]], 
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Parsing node: MatMul_13 [MatMul]
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Searching for input: 61
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Searching for input: 56
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] MatMul_13 [MatMul] inputs: [61 -> (1, 8, 4, 1024, 1024)[FLOAT]], [56 -> (1, 8, 4, 1024, 8)[FLOAT]], 
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registering layer: MatMul_13 for ONNX node: MatMul_13
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registering tensor: out for ONNX tensor: out
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] MatMul_13 [MatMul] outputs: [out -> (1, 8, 4, 1024, 8)[FLOAT]], 
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Parsing node: Transpose_14 [Transpose]
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Searching for input: out
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Transpose_14 [Transpose] inputs: [out -> (1, 8, 4, 1024, 8)[FLOAT]], 
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registering layer: Transpose_14 for ONNX node: Transpose_14
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registering tensor: 66 for ONNX tensor: 66
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Transpose_14 [Transpose] outputs: [66 -> (1, 8, 1024, 4, 8)[FLOAT]], 
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Parsing node: Reshape_15 [Reshape]
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Searching for input: 66
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Searching for input: 104
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Reshape_15 [Reshape] inputs: [66 -> (1, 8, 1024, 4, 8)[FLOAT]], [104 -> (4)[INT32]], 
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registering layer: Reshape_15 for ONNX node: Reshape_15
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registering tensor: input.4 for ONNX tensor: input.4
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Reshape_15 [Reshape] outputs: [input.4 -> (1, 8, 1024, 32)[FLOAT]], 
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Parsing node: MatMul_16 [MatMul]
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Searching for input: input.4
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Searching for input: 105
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] MatMul_16 [MatMul] inputs: [input.4 -> (1, 8, 1024, 32)[FLOAT]], [105 -> (32, 120)[FLOAT]], 
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registering layer: 105 for ONNX node: 105
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registering layer: MatMul_16 for ONNX node: MatMul_16
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [I] MatMul_16: broadcasting input1 to make tensors conform, dims(input0)=[1,8,1024,32][NONE] dims(input1)=[1,1,32,120][NONE].
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registering tensor: 79 for ONNX tensor: 79
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] MatMul_16 [MatMul] outputs: [79 -> (1, 8, 1024, 120)[FLOAT]], 
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Parsing node: Add_17 [Add]
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Searching for input: to_out.0.bias
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Searching for input: 79
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Add_17 [Add] inputs: [to_out.0.bias -> (120)[FLOAT]], [79 -> (1, 8, 1024, 120)[FLOAT]], 
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registering layer: to_out.0.bias for ONNX node: to_out.0.bias
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registering layer: Add_17 for ONNX node: Add_17
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Registering tensor: output_2 for ONNX tensor: output
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Add_17 [Add] outputs: [output -> (1, 8, 1024, 120)[FLOAT]], 
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Marking output_2 as output: output
/home/mvit/ DeprecationWarning: Use build_serialized_network instead.
  trt_engine = builder.build_engine(network, config)
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [I] MatMul_0: broadcasting input1 to make tensors conform, dims(input0)=[1,8,1024,120][NONE] dims(input1)=[1,1,120,96][NONE].
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [I] MatMul_16: broadcasting input1 to make tensors conform, dims(input0)=[1,8,1024,32][NONE] dims(input1)=[1,1,32,120][NONE].
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Applying generic optimizations to the graph for inference.
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Original: 27 layers
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] After dead-layer removal: 27 layers
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Running: ConstShuffleFusion
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] ConstShuffleFusion: Fusing 81 with (Unnamed Layer* 1) [Shuffle]
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Running: ShuffleShuffleFusion
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] ShuffleShuffleFusion: Fusing Reshape_3 with Transpose_4
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Running: ShuffleShuffleFusion
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] ShuffleShuffleFusion: Fusing Reshape_5 with Transpose_8
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Running: ShuffleShuffleFusion
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] ShuffleShuffleFusion: Fusing Reshape_6 with Transpose_7
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Running: ConstShuffleFusion
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] ConstShuffleFusion: Fusing 59 with (Unnamed Layer* 14) [Shuffle]
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Running: ShuffleErasure
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Removing (Unnamed Layer* 17) [Shuffle]
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Running: ShuffleShuffleFusion
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] ShuffleShuffleFusion: Fusing Transpose_14 with Reshape_15
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Running: ConstShuffleFusion
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] ConstShuffleFusion: Fusing 105 with (Unnamed Layer* 22) [Shuffle]
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Running: ConstShuffleFusion
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] ConstShuffleFusion: Fusing to_out.0.bias with (Unnamed Layer* 25) [Shuffle]
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Found Split_2 to be part of self-attention pattern.
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Found Split_2_0 to be part of self-attention pattern.
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Found Split_2_1 to be part of self-attention pattern.
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Found MatMul_9 to be part of self-attention pattern.
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Found Softmax_12 to be part of self-attention pattern.
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Found MatMul_13 to be part of self-attention pattern.
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Found MatMul_0 to be part of self-attention pattern.
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Found and reassigned Myelin backends for Self-Attention nodes
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] After Myelin optimization: 1 layers
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Applying ScaleNodes fusions.
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] After scale fusion: 1 layers
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] After vertical fusions: 1 layers
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] After dupe layer removal: 1 layers
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] After final dead-layer removal: 1 layers
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] After tensor merging: 1 layers
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] After concat removal: 1 layers
[04/26/2022-21:37:56] [TRT] [V] Graph construction and optimization completed in 0.0030201 seconds.
[04/26/2022-21:37:57] [TRT] [V] Using cublasLt as a tactic source
[04/26/2022-21:37:57] [TRT] [I] [MemUsageChange] Init cuBLAS/cuBLASLt: CPU +809, GPU +350, now: CPU 1853, GPU 3747 (MiB)
[04/26/2022-21:37:57] [TRT] [V] Using cuDNN as a tactic source
[04/26/2022-21:37:57] [TRT] [I] [MemUsageChange] Init cuDNN: CPU +126, GPU +58, now: CPU 1979, GPU 3805 (MiB)
[04/26/2022-21:37:57] [TRT] [I] Local timing cache in use. Profiling results in this builder pass will not be stored.
[04/26/2022-21:37:57] [TRT] [V] Constructing optimization profile number 0 [1/1].
[04/26/2022-21:37:57] [TRT] [V] Reserving memory for activation tensors. Host: 0 bytes Device: 7864320 bytes
[04/26/2022-21:37:57] [TRT] [V] =============== Computing reformatting costs
[04/26/2022-21:37:57] [TRT] [V] *************** Autotuning Reformat: Float(983040,122880,120,1) -> Half(983040,122880,120,1) ***************
[04/26/2022-21:37:57] [TRT] [V] --------------- Timing Runner: Optimizer Reformat(input -> <out>) (Reformat)
[04/26/2022-21:37:57] [TRT] [V] Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.024576
[04/26/2022-21:37:57] [TRT] [V] Tactic: 0 Time: 0.026624
[04/26/2022-21:37:57] [TRT] [V] Fastest Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.024576
[04/26/2022-21:37:57] [TRT] [V] *************** Autotuning Reformat: Float(983040,122880,120,1) -> Half(122880,1:8,120,1) ***************
[04/26/2022-21:37:57] [TRT] [V] --------------- Timing Runner: Optimizer Reformat(input -> <out>) (Reformat)
[04/26/2022-21:37:57] [TRT] [V] Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.02048
[04/26/2022-21:37:57] [TRT] [V] Tactic: 0 Time: 0.016384
[04/26/2022-21:37:57] [TRT] [V] Fastest Tactic: 0 Time: 0.016384
[04/26/2022-21:37:57] [TRT] [V] =============== Computing reformatting costs
[04/26/2022-21:37:57] [TRT] [V] *************** Autotuning Reformat: Half(983040,122880,120,1) -> Float(983040,122880,120,1) ***************
[04/26/2022-21:37:57] [TRT] [V] --------------- Timing Runner: Optimizer Reformat(<in> -> output) (Reformat)
[04/26/2022-21:37:57] [TRT] [V] Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.024576
[04/26/2022-21:37:57] [TRT] [V] Tactic: 0 Time: 0.024576
[04/26/2022-21:37:57] [TRT] [V] Fastest Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.024576
[04/26/2022-21:37:57] [TRT] [V] *************** Autotuning Reformat: Half(122880,1:8,120,1) -> Float(983040,122880,120,1) ***************
[04/26/2022-21:37:57] [TRT] [V] --------------- Timing Runner: Optimizer Reformat(<in> -> output) (Reformat)
[04/26/2022-21:37:57] [TRT] [V] Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.048128
[04/26/2022-21:37:57] [TRT] [V] Tactic: 0 Time: 0.014336
[04/26/2022-21:37:57] [TRT] [V] Fastest Tactic: 0 Time: 0.014336
[04/26/2022-21:37:57] [TRT] [V] =============== Computing costs for 
[04/26/2022-21:37:57] [TRT] [V] *************** Autotuning format combination: Float(983040,122880,120,1) -> Float(983040,122880,120,1) ***************
[04/26/2022-21:37:57] [TRT] [V] --------------- Timing Runner: {ForeignNode[81 + (Unnamed Layer* 1) [Shuffle]...Add_17]} (Myelin)
***python: /root/gpgpu/MachineLearning/myelin/src/compiler/optimizer/kqv_gemm_split.cpp:350: void myelin::ir::kqv_split_pattern_t::check_transpose(): Assertion `in_dims.size() == 3' failed.***


TensorRT Version: ‘’
GPU Type: A100
Nvidia Driver Version: 470.57.02
CUDA Version: 11.6
CUDNN Version: 8.3.2
Operating System + Version: “20.04.3 LTS (Focal Fossa)”
Python Version (if applicable): 3.8.12
TensorFlow Version (if applicable):
PyTorch Version (if applicable): 1.11.0a0+bfe5ad2’
Baremetal or Container (if container which image + tag):

Relevant Files

import torch
from torch import nn
import onnx
from onnxsim import simplify
import tensorrt as trt

class Attention(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, dim, heads=8, dim_head=64, dropout=0.):
        inner_dim = dim_head *  heads
        project_out = not (heads == 1 and dim_head == dim)

        self.heads = heads
        self.scale = dim_head ** -0.5

        self.attend = nn.Softmax(dim = -1)
        self.to_qkv = nn.Linear(dim, inner_dim * 3, bias = False)

        self.to_out = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Linear(inner_dim, dim),
        ) if project_out else nn.Identity()

    def forward(self, x):
        qkv = self.to_qkv(x)
        q,k,v = torch.split(qkv, qkv.shape[3]//3, dim=3)
        bs,ch,n,h = q.shape
        q = self.qkv2MultiheadForm(q, bs, ch, n, self.heads, h//self.heads)
        k = self.qkv2MultiheadForm(k, bs, ch, n, self.heads, h//self.heads)
        v = self.qkv2MultiheadForm(v, bs, ch, n, self.heads, h//self.heads)
        dots = torch.matmul(q, k.transpose(-1, -2)) * self.scale
        attn = self.attend(dots)
        out = torch.matmul(attn, v)
        b, p, h, n, d = out.shape
        out = self.multiheadForm2qkv(out, b, p, h, n, d)
        return self.to_out(out)

    def qkv2MultiheadForm(self, x, bs: int, ch: int, n: int, tmp_h: int, heads: int):
        x = x.reshape(bs,ch,n,tmp_h,heads).permute(0,1,3,2,4)
        return x

    def multiheadForm2qkv(self, x, b: int, p: int, h: int, n: int, d: int):
        return x.permute(0,1,3,2,4).reshape(b,p,n,h*d)

def torch2onnx(net, input, onnx_file, opver=13, do_simplify=True):
    torch.onnx.export(net, input, onnx_file, 
    if do_simplify:
        # load your predefined ONNX model
        sim_model = onnx.load(onnx_file)

        # convert model
        model_simp, check = simplify(sim_model)

        assert check, "Simplified ONNX model could not be validated", onnx_file)

def torch2tensorrt(onnx_file, trt_file):
    logger = trt.Logger(trt.Logger.VERBOSE)
    builder = trt.Builder(logger)
    network = builder.create_network(1<<int(trt.NetworkDefinitionCreationFlag.EXPLICIT_BATCH))

    with trt.OnnxParser(network, logger) as parser:
        success = parser.parse_from_file(onnx_file)
        for idx in range(parser.num_errors):

        if not success:
            print('parse onnx file failed.')
    config = builder.create_builder_config()
    # config.input
    if builder.platform_has_fast_fp16:
    trt_engine = builder.build_engine(network, config)
    serialized_engine = trt_engine.serialize()
    with open(trt_file, "wb") as f:
    return trt_engine

def torch_dtype_from_trt(dtype):
    if dtype == trt.int8:
        return torch.int8
    elif dtype == trt.bool:
        return torch.bool
    elif dtype == trt.int32:
        return torch.int32
    elif dtype == trt.float16:
        return torch.float16
    elif dtype == trt.float32:
        return torch.float32
        raise TypeError("%s is not supported by torch" % dtype)

def torch_device_to_trt(device):
    if device.type == torch.device("cuda").type:
        return trt.TensorLocation.DEVICE
    elif device.type == torch.device("cpu").type:
        return trt.TensorLocation.HOST
        return TypeError("%s is not supported by tensorrt" % device)

def torch_device_from_trt(device):
    if device == trt.TensorLocation.DEVICE:
        return torch.device("cuda")
    elif device == trt.TensorLocation.HOST:
        return torch.device("cpu")
        return TypeError("%s is not supported by torch" % device)

def load_trt_model(trt_file):
    logger = trt.Logger(trt.Logger.VERBOSE)
    runtime = trt.Runtime(logger)
    with open(trt_file, "rb") as f:
        serialized_engine =
    engine = runtime.deserialize_cuda_engine(serialized_engine)
    return engine

def bench_mark(engine, img):
    context = engine.create_execution_context()
    input_idx = engine['input']
    output_idx = engine['output']
    buffers = [None] * 2 # Assuming 1 input and 1 output
    input_ptr = img.contiguous().data_ptr()
    shape = tuple(img,shape)
    context.set_binding_shape(input_idx, shape)

    dtype = torch_dtype_from_trt(engine.get_binding_dtype(output_idx))
    device = torch_device_from_trt(engine.get_location(output_idx))
    output = torch.empty(size=shape, dtype=dtype, device=device)
    # outputs[i] = output
    buffers[input_idx] = input_ptr
    buffers[output_idx] = output.data_ptr() 

    context.execute_async(1, buffers, torch.cuda.current_stream().cuda_stream)
    return output

def get_tensorrt_engine(net, img, onnx_file, trt_file):
    torch2onnx(net, img, onnx_file)
    engine = torch2tensorrt(onnx_file, trt_file)
    return engine

if __name__=="__main__":
    onnx_file = 'mvit.onnx'
    trt_file = 'mvit.plan'

    net = Attention(120,4,8)#SegNet()
    img = torch.randn(1,8,1024,120).float()
    out = net(img)
    engine = get_tensorrt_engine(net, img, onnx_file, trt_file)

Steps To Reproduce

Please include:

  • Exact steps/commands to build your repro
  • Exact steps/commands to run your repro
  • Full traceback of errors encountered

Request you to share the ONNX model and the script if not shared already so that we can assist you better.
Alongside you can try few things:

  1. validating your model with the below snippet

import sys
import onnx
filename = yourONNXmodel
model = onnx.load(filename)
2) Try running your model with trtexec command.

In case you are still facing issue, request you to share the trtexec “”–verbose"" log for further debugging

mvit.onnx (62.2 KB)
Here I share my onnx file.
I hope this helps you to find a way for me.
The onnx file is simplified one with onnx-simplifier.

sharing result of what you recommend.

    the script shows me nothing. That means exported model is fine I guess.

  2. trtexec log:

&&&& RUNNING TensorRT.trtexec [TensorRT v8202] # trtexec --onnx=mvit.onnx --verbose --fp16
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] === Model Options ===
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] Format: ONNX
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] Model: mvit.onnx
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] Output:
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] === Build Options ===
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] Max batch: explicit batch
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] Workspace: 16 MiB
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] minTiming: 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] avgTiming: 8
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] Precision: FP32+FP16
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] Calibration: 
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] Refit: Disabled
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] Sparsity: Disabled
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] Safe mode: Disabled
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] DirectIO mode: Disabled
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] Restricted mode: Disabled
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] Save engine: 
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] Load engine: 
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] Profiling verbosity: 0
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] Tactic sources: Using default tactic sources
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] timingCacheMode: local
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] timingCacheFile: 
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] Input(s)s format: fp32:CHW
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] Output(s)s format: fp32:CHW
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] Input build shapes: model
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] Input calibration shapes: model
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] === System Options ===
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] Device: 0
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] DLACore: 
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] Plugins:
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] === Inference Options ===
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] Batch: Explicit
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] Input inference shapes: model
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] Iterations: 10
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] Duration: 3s (+ 200ms warm up)
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] Sleep time: 0ms
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] Idle time: 0ms
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] Streams: 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] ExposeDMA: Disabled
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] Data transfers: Enabled
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] Spin-wait: Disabled
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] Multithreading: Disabled
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] CUDA Graph: Disabled
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] Separate profiling: Disabled
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] Time Deserialize: Disabled
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] Time Refit: Disabled
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] Skip inference: Disabled
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] Inputs:
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] === Reporting Options ===
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] Verbose: Enabled
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] Averages: 10 inferences
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] Percentile: 99
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] Dump refittable layers:Disabled
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] Dump output: Disabled
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] Profile: Disabled
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] Export timing to JSON file: 
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] Export output to JSON file: 
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] Export profile to JSON file: 
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] 
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] === Device Information ===
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] Selected Device: NVIDIA A100-PCIE-40GB
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] Compute Capability: 8.0
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] SMs: 108
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] Compute Clock Rate: 1.41 GHz
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] Device Global Memory: 40536 MiB
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] Shared Memory per SM: 164 KiB
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] Memory Bus Width: 5120 bits (ECC enabled)
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] Memory Clock Rate: 1.215 GHz
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] 
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [I] TensorRT version: 8.2.2
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::BatchTilePlugin_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::BatchedNMS_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::BatchedNMSDynamic_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::CoordConvAC version 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::CropAndResize version 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::CropAndResizeDynamic version 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::DetectionLayer_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::EfficientNMS_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::EfficientNMS_ONNX_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::EfficientNMS_TFTRT_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::FlattenConcat_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::GenerateDetection_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::GridAnchor_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::GridAnchorRect_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::InstanceNormalization_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::LReLU_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::MultilevelCropAndResize_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::MultilevelProposeROI_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::NMS_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::NMSDynamic_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::Normalize_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::PriorBox_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::ProposalLayer_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::Proposal version 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::ProposalDynamic version 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::PyramidROIAlign_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::Region_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::Reorg_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::ResizeNearest_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::RPROI_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::ScatterND version 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::SpecialSlice_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:21] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::Split version 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [I] [TRT] [MemUsageChange] Init CUDA: CPU +425, GPU +0, now: CPU 437, GPU 3325 (MiB)
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [I] [TRT] [MemUsageSnapshot] Begin constructing builder kernel library: CPU 437 MiB, GPU 3325 MiB
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [I] [TRT] [MemUsageSnapshot] End constructing builder kernel library: CPU 654 MiB, GPU 3397 MiB
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [I] Start parsing network model
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [I] [TRT] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [I] [TRT] Input filename:   mvit.onnx
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [I] [TRT] ONNX IR version:  0.0.8
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [I] [TRT] Opset version:    15
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [I] [TRT] Producer name:    pytorch
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [I] [TRT] Producer version: 1.11.0
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [I] [TRT] Domain:           
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [I] [TRT] Model version:    0
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [I] [TRT] Doc string:       
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [I] [TRT] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::BatchTilePlugin_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::BatchedNMS_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::BatchedNMSDynamic_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::CoordConvAC version 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::CropAndResize version 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::CropAndResizeDynamic version 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::DetectionLayer_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::EfficientNMS_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::EfficientNMS_ONNX_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::EfficientNMS_TFTRT_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::FlattenConcat_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::GenerateDetection_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::GridAnchor_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::GridAnchorRect_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::InstanceNormalization_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::LReLU_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::MultilevelCropAndResize_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::MultilevelProposeROI_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::NMS_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::NMSDynamic_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::Normalize_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::PriorBox_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::ProposalLayer_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::Proposal version 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::ProposalDynamic version 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::PyramidROIAlign_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::Region_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::Reorg_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::ResizeNearest_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::RPROI_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::ScatterND version 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::SpecialSlice_TRT version 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::Split version 1
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Adding network input: input with dtype: float32, dimensions: (1, 8, 1024, 120)
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input for ONNX tensor: input
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: to_out.0.bias
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: 6
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [W] [TRT] parsers/onnx/onnx2trt_utils.cpp:364: Your ONNX model has been generated with INT64 weights, while TensorRT does not natively support INT64. Attempting to cast down to INT32.
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: 59
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: 4
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: 25
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: 40
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: 54
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: 76
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: 78
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: MatMul_1 [MatMul]
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: 4
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] MatMul_1 [MatMul] inputs: [input -> (1, 8, 1024, 120)[FLOAT]], [4 -> (120, 96)[FLOAT]], 
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: 4 for ONNX node: 4
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: MatMul_1 for ONNX node: MatMul_1
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [I] [TRT] MatMul_1: broadcasting input1 to make tensors conform, dims(input0)=[1,8,1024,120][NONE] dims(input1)=[1,1,120,96][NONE].
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: tensor for ONNX tensor: tensor
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] MatMul_1 [MatMul] outputs: [tensor -> (1, 8, 1024, 96)[FLOAT]], 
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Split_3 [Split]
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: tensor
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: 6
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Split_3 [Split] inputs: [tensor -> (1, 8, 1024, 96)[FLOAT]], [6 -> (3)[INT32]], 
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Split_3 for ONNX node: Split_3
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Split_3_0 for ONNX node: Split_3
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Split_3_1 for ONNX node: Split_3
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: q for ONNX tensor: q
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: k for ONNX tensor: k
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: v for ONNX tensor: v
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Split_3 [Split] outputs: [q -> (1, 8, 1024, 32)[FLOAT]], [k -> (1, 8, 1024, 32)[FLOAT]], [v -> (1, 8, 1024, 32)[FLOAT]], 
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Reshape_20 [Reshape]
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: q
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: 25
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Reshape_20 [Reshape] inputs: [q -> (1, 8, 1024, 32)[FLOAT]], [25 -> (5)[INT32]], 
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Reshape_20 for ONNX node: Reshape_20
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: 26 for ONNX tensor: 26
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Reshape_20 [Reshape] outputs: [26 -> (1, 8, 1024, 4, 8)[FLOAT]], 
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Transpose_21 [Transpose]
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: 26
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Transpose_21 [Transpose] inputs: [26 -> (1, 8, 1024, 4, 8)[FLOAT]], 
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Transpose_21 for ONNX node: Transpose_21
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: 27 for ONNX tensor: 27
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Transpose_21 [Transpose] outputs: [27 -> (1, 8, 4, 1024, 8)[FLOAT]], 
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Reshape_35 [Reshape]
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: k
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: 40
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Reshape_35 [Reshape] inputs: [k -> (1, 8, 1024, 32)[FLOAT]], [40 -> (5)[INT32]], 
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Reshape_35 for ONNX node: Reshape_35
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: 41 for ONNX tensor: 41
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Reshape_35 [Reshape] outputs: [41 -> (1, 8, 1024, 4, 8)[FLOAT]], 
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Reshape_49 [Reshape]
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: v
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: 54
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Reshape_49 [Reshape] inputs: [v -> (1, 8, 1024, 32)[FLOAT]], [54 -> (5)[INT32]], 
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Reshape_49 for ONNX node: Reshape_49
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: 55 for ONNX tensor: 55
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Reshape_49 [Reshape] outputs: [55 -> (1, 8, 1024, 4, 8)[FLOAT]], 
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Transpose_50 [Transpose]
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: 55
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Transpose_50 [Transpose] inputs: [55 -> (1, 8, 1024, 4, 8)[FLOAT]], 
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Transpose_50 for ONNX node: Transpose_50
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: 56 for ONNX tensor: 56
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Transpose_50 [Transpose] outputs: [56 -> (1, 8, 4, 1024, 8)[FLOAT]], 
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Transpose_51 [Transpose]
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: 41
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Transpose_51 [Transpose] inputs: [41 -> (1, 8, 1024, 4, 8)[FLOAT]], 
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Transpose_51 for ONNX node: Transpose_51
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: 57 for ONNX tensor: 57
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Transpose_51 [Transpose] outputs: [57 -> (1, 8, 4, 8, 1024)[FLOAT]], 
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: MatMul_52 [MatMul]
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: 27
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: 57
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] MatMul_52 [MatMul] inputs: [27 -> (1, 8, 4, 1024, 8)[FLOAT]], [57 -> (1, 8, 4, 8, 1024)[FLOAT]], 
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: MatMul_52 for ONNX node: MatMul_52
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: 58 for ONNX tensor: 58
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] MatMul_52 [MatMul] outputs: [58 -> (1, 8, 4, 1024, 1024)[FLOAT]], 
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Mul_54 [Mul]
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: 58
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: 59
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Mul_54 [Mul] inputs: [58 -> (1, 8, 4, 1024, 1024)[FLOAT]], [59 -> ()[FLOAT]], 
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: 59 for ONNX node: 59
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Mul_54 for ONNX node: Mul_54
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.1 for ONNX tensor: input.1
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Mul_54 [Mul] outputs: [input.1 -> (1, 8, 4, 1024, 1024)[FLOAT]], 
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Softmax_55 [Softmax]
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.1
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Softmax_55 [Softmax] inputs: [input.1 -> (1, 8, 4, 1024, 1024)[FLOAT]], 
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Softmax_55 for ONNX node: Softmax_55
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: 61 for ONNX tensor: 61
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Softmax_55 [Softmax] outputs: [61 -> (1, 8, 4, 1024, 1024)[FLOAT]], 
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: MatMul_56 [MatMul]
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: 61
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: 56
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] MatMul_56 [MatMul] inputs: [61 -> (1, 8, 4, 1024, 1024)[FLOAT]], [56 -> (1, 8, 4, 1024, 8)[FLOAT]], 
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: MatMul_56 for ONNX node: MatMul_56
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: out for ONNX tensor: out
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] MatMul_56 [MatMul] outputs: [out -> (1, 8, 4, 1024, 8)[FLOAT]], 
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Transpose_60 [Transpose]
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: out
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Transpose_60 [Transpose] inputs: [out -> (1, 8, 4, 1024, 8)[FLOAT]], 
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Transpose_60 for ONNX node: Transpose_60
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: 66 for ONNX tensor: 66
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Transpose_60 [Transpose] outputs: [66 -> (1, 8, 1024, 4, 8)[FLOAT]], 
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Reshape_71 [Reshape]
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: 66
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: 76
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Reshape_71 [Reshape] inputs: [66 -> (1, 8, 1024, 4, 8)[FLOAT]], [76 -> (4)[INT32]], 
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Reshape_71 for ONNX node: Reshape_71
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.4 for ONNX tensor: input.4
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Reshape_71 [Reshape] outputs: [input.4 -> (1, 8, 1024, 32)[FLOAT]], 
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: MatMul_73 [MatMul]
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.4
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: 78
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] MatMul_73 [MatMul] inputs: [input.4 -> (1, 8, 1024, 32)[FLOAT]], [78 -> (32, 120)[FLOAT]], 
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: 78 for ONNX node: 78
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: MatMul_73 for ONNX node: MatMul_73
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [I] [TRT] MatMul_73: broadcasting input1 to make tensors conform, dims(input0)=[1,8,1024,32][NONE] dims(input1)=[1,1,32,120][NONE].
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: 79 for ONNX tensor: 79
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] MatMul_73 [MatMul] outputs: [79 -> (1, 8, 1024, 120)[FLOAT]], 
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_74 [Add]
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: to_out.0.bias
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: 79
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Add_74 [Add] inputs: [to_out.0.bias -> (120)[FLOAT]], [79 -> (1, 8, 1024, 120)[FLOAT]], 
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: to_out.0.bias for ONNX node: to_out.0.bias
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_74 for ONNX node: Add_74
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: output_2 for ONNX tensor: output
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Add_74 [Add] outputs: [output -> (1, 8, 1024, 120)[FLOAT]], 
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Marking output_2 as output: output
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [I] Finish parsing network model
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [I] [TRT] MatMul_1: broadcasting input1 to make tensors conform, dims(input0)=[1,8,1024,120][NONE] dims(input1)=[1,1,120,96][NONE].
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [I] [TRT] MatMul_73: broadcasting input1 to make tensors conform, dims(input0)=[1,8,1024,32][NONE] dims(input1)=[1,1,32,120][NONE].
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Applying generic optimizations to the graph for inference.
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Original: 27 layers
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] After dead-layer removal: 27 layers
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Running: ConstShuffleFusion
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] ConstShuffleFusion: Fusing 4 with (Unnamed Layer* 1) [Shuffle]
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Running: ShuffleShuffleFusion
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] ShuffleShuffleFusion: Fusing Reshape_20 with Transpose_21
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Running: ShuffleShuffleFusion
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] ShuffleShuffleFusion: Fusing Reshape_35 with Transpose_51
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Running: ShuffleShuffleFusion
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] ShuffleShuffleFusion: Fusing Reshape_49 with Transpose_50
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Running: ConstShuffleFusion
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] ConstShuffleFusion: Fusing 59 with (Unnamed Layer* 14) [Shuffle]
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Running: ShuffleErasure
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Removing (Unnamed Layer* 17) [Shuffle]
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Running: ShuffleShuffleFusion
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] ShuffleShuffleFusion: Fusing Transpose_60 with Reshape_71
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Running: ConstShuffleFusion
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] ConstShuffleFusion: Fusing 78 with (Unnamed Layer* 22) [Shuffle]
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Running: ConstShuffleFusion
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] ConstShuffleFusion: Fusing to_out.0.bias with (Unnamed Layer* 25) [Shuffle]
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Found Split_3 to be part of self-attention pattern.
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Found Split_3_0 to be part of self-attention pattern.
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Found Split_3_1 to be part of self-attention pattern.
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Found MatMul_52 to be part of self-attention pattern.
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Found Softmax_55 to be part of self-attention pattern.
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Found MatMul_56 to be part of self-attention pattern.
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Found MatMul_1 to be part of self-attention pattern.
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Found and reassigned Myelin backends for Self-Attention nodes
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] After Myelin optimization: 1 layers
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Applying ScaleNodes fusions.
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] After scale fusion: 1 layers
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] After vertical fusions: 1 layers
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] After dupe layer removal: 1 layers
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] After final dead-layer removal: 1 layers
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] After tensor merging: 1 layers
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] After concat removal: 1 layers
[04/26/2022-23:03:22] [V] [TRT] Graph construction and optimization completed in 0.00252489 seconds.
[04/26/2022-23:03:23] [V] [TRT] Using cublasLt as a tactic source
[04/26/2022-23:03:23] [I] [TRT] [MemUsageChange] Init cuBLAS/cuBLASLt: CPU +809, GPU +350, now: CPU 1477, GPU 3753 (MiB)
[04/26/2022-23:03:23] [V] [TRT] Using cuDNN as a tactic source
[04/26/2022-23:03:23] [I] [TRT] [MemUsageChange] Init cuDNN: CPU +126, GPU +60, now: CPU 1603, GPU 3813 (MiB)
[04/26/2022-23:03:23] [I] [TRT] Local timing cache in use. Profiling results in this builder pass will not be stored.
[04/26/2022-23:03:23] [V] [TRT] Constructing optimization profile number 0 [1/1].
[04/26/2022-23:03:23] [V] [TRT] Reserving memory for activation tensors. Host: 0 bytes Device: 7864320 bytes
[04/26/2022-23:03:23] [V] [TRT] =============== Computing reformatting costs
[04/26/2022-23:03:23] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning Reformat: Float(983040,122880,120,1) -> Half(983040,122880,120,1) ***************
[04/26/2022-23:03:23] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: Optimizer Reformat(input -> <out>) (Reformat)
[04/26/2022-23:03:23] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.024448
[04/26/2022-23:03:23] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 Time: 0.026624
[04/26/2022-23:03:23] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.024448
[04/26/2022-23:03:23] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning Reformat: Float(983040,122880,120,1) -> Half(122880,1:8,120,1) ***************
[04/26/2022-23:03:23] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: Optimizer Reformat(input -> <out>) (Reformat)
[04/26/2022-23:03:23] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.020992
[04/26/2022-23:03:23] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 Time: 0.016256
[04/26/2022-23:03:23] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 0 Time: 0.016256
[04/26/2022-23:03:23] [V] [TRT] =============== Computing reformatting costs
[04/26/2022-23:03:23] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning Reformat: Half(983040,122880,120,1) -> Float(983040,122880,120,1) ***************
[04/26/2022-23:03:23] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: Optimizer Reformat(<in> -> output) (Reformat)
[04/26/2022-23:03:23] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.024576
[04/26/2022-23:03:23] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 Time: 0.025856
[04/26/2022-23:03:23] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.024576
[04/26/2022-23:03:23] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning Reformat: Half(122880,1:8,120,1) -> Float(983040,122880,120,1) ***************
[04/26/2022-23:03:23] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: Optimizer Reformat(<in> -> output) (Reformat)
[04/26/2022-23:03:23] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.048896
[04/26/2022-23:03:23] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 Time: 0.014976
[04/26/2022-23:03:23] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 0 Time: 0.014976
[04/26/2022-23:03:23] [V] [TRT] =============== Computing costs for 
[04/26/2022-23:03:23] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning format combination: Float(983040,122880,120,1) -> Float(983040,122880,120,1) ***************
[04/26/2022-23:03:23] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: {ForeignNode[4 + (Unnamed Layer* 1) [Shuffle]...Add_74]} (Myelin)
trtexec: /root/gpgpu/MachineLearning/myelin/src/compiler/optimizer/kqv_gemm_split.cpp:350: void myelin::ir::kqv_split_pattern_t::check_transpose(): Assertion `in_dims.size() == 3' failed.
Aborted (core dumped)


We could reproduce the same error. Our team will work on this.
Please allow us some time.

Thank you.

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Thank you for looking into it!

Hi there.
Any progress on this issue?


This fix will be available as part of the new release. We do not have a temp workaround to share.
Please stay tuned for the new release.

Thank you.

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