FAILED_ALLOCATION: basic_string::_S_construct null not valid

Hi Nvidia Team,

I am working on converting ONNX to TRT conversion with custom Plugins using trtexec.
During the conversion I am facing an issue as:
[03/02/2021-20:00:08] [E] [TRT] FAILED_ALLOCATION: basic_string::_S_construct null not valid
[03/02/2021-20:00:08] [E] Engine serialization failed
[03/02/2021-20:00:08] [E] Saving engine to file failed

Command used for Conversion: ./trtexec --onnx=/home/darshan/slow_fast_1.onnx --shapes=input1:1x3x8x256x455,input2:1x3x32x256x455,input3:1x5 --plugins=/home/darshan/SandLogic-Projects/Custom_Plugin/Einsum_3/ --plugins=/home/darshan/SandLogic-Projects/Custom_Plugin/RoI_Align_2/ --saveEngine=slow_fast2.trt
May I know the reason for the same? what exactly is causing the issue?

CUDA: 10.2
Tensorrt: 7.1.3
GPU: RTX 2080


Hi @darshancganji12,

Sorry for delayed response, Are you still facing the issue.
Could you please share us complete error logs and issue reproducible scripts/onnx model file to try from our end.

Thank you.