Failed to attach debugger.

Hi, I’m receiving the following error when trying to run the samples of the TDK,

Failed to attach: Could not find a part of the path ‘C:\Users\Jesus\AppData\Local\Temp\Android\0123456789ABCDEF\system\vendor\lib’…

I couldn’t find the “vendor\lib” part, what does it mean?

Thanks in advance.

It seems the obvious fix of creating the folder manually did the trick. Thank you anyway.

Hi, thanks for the report, we’ll fix this issue in the future release.

I have the same problem. Looking at the directory structure it appears that maybe the \vendor\ part should not be included in the path.

Hi, i have the same problem:

Failed to attach: Could not find a part of the path ‘C:\AndroidDev\TMP\S6802084d308f\system\vendor\lib’…

Device: samsung GT-S6802 Android 2.3.6 (API 10)

In eclise debbuger work fine!

In emulator i have the same problem

Failed to attach: Could not find a part of the path ‘C:\AndroidDev\TMP\emulator-5554\system\vendor\lib’…

Windows: 10

As far as I can tell this makes debugging completely unusable on the current release. I hope this is flagged as a serious bug. Manually creating the folder doesn’t seem to help.

Hi all,

This bug has already been fixed and will be a part of the upcoming release. If you’re having a similar issue, please try creating the requested subfolder structure (system\vendor\lib) manually.