Failed to load usd when rtx not complete

Does anyone know how to load a USD file after the RTX compilation is completed in KIT?
Under the new template of KIT 106.0, I tried the approach I used in KIT 105.1, which is to asynchronously load a USD file when the extension is loaded, but this method does not work in KIT 106. This will cause RTX to fail to compile correctly.

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'remove_mdl_from_cache'

I need KIT to load the scene immediately after the RTX compilation is completed and then enable some extensions in the project.

When you say KIT do you mean in the Kit based Editor or do you mean just in python code ? The code to open a file is very straight forward. You just need to run that after it says “APP_READY” in the code console.

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