Failed to open NvSciIpc endpoint. err is: 0x1100

Please provide the following info (tick the boxes after creating this topic):
Software Version
DRIVE OS 6.0.6
DRIVE OS 6.0.5
DRIVE OS 6.0.4 (rev. 1)

Target Operating System
[*] Linux

Hardware Platform
[*] DRIVE AGX Orin Developer Kit (940-63710-0010-300)
DRIVE AGX Orin Developer Kit (940-63710-0010-200)
DRIVE AGX Orin Developer Kit (940-63710-0010-100)
DRIVE AGX Orin Developer Kit (940-63710-0010-D00)
DRIVE AGX Orin Developer Kit (940-63710-0010-C00)
DRIVE AGX Orin Developer Kit (not sure its number)

Host Machine Version
native Ubuntu Linux 20.04 Host installed with SDK Manager
[*] native Ubuntu Linux 20.04 Host installed with DRIVE OS Docker Containers
native Ubuntu Linux 18.04 Host installed with DRIVE OS Docker Containers

Issue Description

in ref Testing run_cgf_demo on target - #42 by ashwin.nanda specific to Testing run_cgf_demo on target - #46 by SivaRamaKrishnaNV :::

I switched bootchain to B, and tried running the CGF demo samples after installing the .deb files and proceeded with the custom node steps, however, the display was still not accessible.
we powered off/on through the Board’s switch, and as by default it switched to bootchain A.

Now when trying to switch bootchain back to B, I faced the following error string:

Error String

pomo@tegra-ubuntu:/usr/local/driveworks$ common_if_testapp -set_next_bootchain x1 B
DU_MCC_InitResources: Failed to open NvSciIpc endpoint. err is: 0x1100
Failed to initialize IPC resource
Failed to initialize DU MCC
pomo@tegra-ubuntu:/usr/local/driveworks$ common_if_testapp -tegrareset x1
DU_MCC_InitResources: Failed to open NvSciIpc endpoint. err is: 0x1100
Failed to initialize IPC resource
Failed to initialize DU MCC


When tried to flash the Board again I faced that the Tegra A isnt going to recovery mode:

Flashing DriveOS driveinstaller.log:

driveinstaller.log (105.2 KB)

Tried puitting Tegra A manually in recovery via NvShell, and flashed again, however flashing fails with same logs as above.

Tegra A accessible through ttyACM0

dear @SivaRamaKrishnaNV please note this is important because x11vnc cant detect dispaly as well now:
output from starting x11vnc from ttyACM0

27/11/2024 11:49:01 x11vnc version: 0.9.16 lastmod: 2019-01-05  pid: 2387
27/11/2024 11:49:01 XOpenDisplay("") failed.
27/11/2024 11:49:01 Trying again with XAUTHLOCALHOSTNAME=localhost ...
27/11/2024 11:49:01 
27/11/2024 11:49:01 *** XOpenDisplay failed. No -display or DISPLAY.
27/11/2024 11:49:01 *** Trying ":0" in 4 seconds.  Press Ctrl-C to abort.
27/11/2024 11:49:01 *** 1 2 3 4 
27/11/2024 11:49:05 XOpenDisplay(":0") failed.
27/11/2024 11:49:05 Trying again with XAUTHLOCALHOSTNAME=localhost ...
27/11/2024 11:49:05 XOpenDisplay(":0") failed.
27/11/2024 11:49:05 Trying again with unset XAUTHLOCALHOSTNAME ...
27/11/2024 11:49:05 

27/11/2024 11:49:05 ***************************************
27/11/2024 11:49:05 *** XOpenDisplay failed (:0)

*** x11vnc was unable to open the X DISPLAY: ":0", it cannot continue.
*** There may be "Xlib:" error messages above with details about the failure.


pomo@tegra-ubuntu:~$ echo $DISPLAY


update @SivaRamaKrishnaNV the following steps brought back the display on bootchain B but I still dont understand what the error codes mean? even after connecting the monitor, as we can see MCU_FOH Error Codes

pomo@pomodriver:~$ sudo minicom -w -D /dev/ttyACM1
[sudo] password for pomo: 

Welcome to minicom 2.7.1

Compiled on Dec 23 2019, 02:06:26.
Port /dev/ttyACM1, 11:48:08

Press CTRL-A Z for help on special keys

Info: Executing cmd: xx, argc: 0, args: 
Error: Unknown command
Invalid Command
NvShell>tegrareset x1
Info: Executing cmd: tegrareset, argc: 1, args: x1 
NvShell>INFO: MCU_PLTFPWRMGR: Reseting Tegra
INFO: MCU_PLTFPWRMGR: VRS11 PG Monitoring disable.
INFO: NVMCU_ORINPWRCTRL: Wait for Safe Shutdown notification...(20 seconds max)
I:RptrID - 0x810B PsCd - 0x22 - VMON Nirq Disabled
I:RptrID - 0x810B PsCd - 0x21 - VMON Nirq Enabled
INFO: BtChn_Cfg: Tegra x1 Boot Chain is : A 
INFO: BtChn_Cfg: Btchn Pin ORIN_BOOTCHAIN0 set to 0
INFO: BtChn_Cfg: Btchn Pin ORIN_BOOTCHAIN1 set to 0
I:RptrID - 0x810F PsCd - 0x6 - BootchainCfg Dio set success
INFO: MCU_PLTFPWRMGR: Tegra reset trigger is complete !
Command Executed
MCU_FOH: MCU FOH : Initiate SOC Error Pin Monitoring & SPI communication
MCU_FOH: MCU FOH : Start Monitoring Initiated
INFO: MCU_ERRHANDLER: Published Power State: Power-up complete
MCU_FOH: SOC error pin is asserted
ERROR: MCU_ERRHANDLER: SOC error pin is asserted
MCU_FOH: Spi Transmit Started
MCU_FOH: SPI : E2E_P05Check Status : 7 : 0
ERROR: MCU_ERRHANDLER: McuFoh : ReporterID - 0x810E ErrorCode - 0x3 
 MCU_FOH: SPI : E2E_P05Check Status : 7 : 0
MCU_FOH: SPI : E2E_P05Check Status : 7 : 0
INFO: SftyMon_IoHwAbs: PG_VRS11 monitoring started...
INFO: MCU_SWC_FanControl: max_rpm fan2 : 0
INFO: MCU_SWC_FanControl: maxrpm of fan2 has more than 50 percent deviation against rated maxrpm

NvShell>MCU_FOH: SOC error pin is de-asserted
ERROR: MCU_ERRHANDLER: SOC error pin is de-asserted
MCU_FOH: Periodic Status [0] 0xab [1] 0xcd [250] 0x12 [251] 0x34

NvShell>setnxtbtchain x1 B
Info: Executing cmd: setnxtbtchain, argc: 2, args: x1 B 
Tegra X1 - Next Boot Chain Cfg: B
Command Executed
NvShell>INFO: BtChn_Cfg: NvMCbk - TA NxtBtChn Pri Blk, SId-7, JobRes-0
I:RptrID - 0x810F PsCd - 0x3 - BootchainCfg NvM Write Success
INFO: BtChn_Cfg: NvMCbk - TA NxtBtChn Red Blk, SId-7, JobRes-0

Info: Executing cmd: poweroff, argc: 0, args: 
NvShell>INFO: MCU_PLTFPWRMGR: Powering off 
INFO: MCU_PLTFPWRMGR: VRS11 PG Monitoring disable.
INFO: NVMCU_ORINPWRCTRL: Wait for Safe Shutdown notification (20s max)
Check for VRS10............................................................
I:RptrID - 0x810D PsCd - 0xD - PwrCtrl ActShdn Ok
Check for VRS10............................................................
MCU_FOH: SPI : E2E_P05Check Status : 7 : 136
ERROR: MCU_PLTFPWRMGR: Request Orin power-down failed! Continue sequence 
ERROR: MCU_ERRHANDLER: McuFoh : ReporterID - 0x810E ErrorCode - 0x3 
 ERROR: MCU_ERRHANDLER: OrinPwrCtrl : ReporterID - 0x810D ErrorCode - 0xF 
 MCU_FOH: SPI : E2E_P05Check Status : 7 : 0
MCU_FOH: SOC error pin is asserted
ERROR: MCU_ERRHANDLER: SOC error pin is asserted
MCU_FOH: SPI : E2E_P05Check Status : 7 : 0
I:RptrID - 0x810B PsCd - 0x8 - VMON Seq Record
I:RptrID - 0x810B PsCd - 0x7 - VMON Seq Match
I:RptrID - 0x810B PsCd - 0x23 - VMON Seq Ackld
INFO: MCU_PltfPwrMgr: Linkup status is not active
INFO: MCU_PltfPwrMgr: Linkup status is not active
INFO: MCU_PltfPwrMgr: Ethernet peripherals de-initialized
INFO: PLTFPWRMGR_IOHWABS: Power down sequence is complete !
Command Executed

Info: Executing cmd: poweron, argc: 0, args: 
NvShell>INFO: MCU_PLTFPWRMGR: Powering up 
INFO: MCU_PLTFPWRMGR: Voltage Monitoring is enabled.
INFO: MCU_PLTFPWRMGR: Send command 'voltageMonitor disable' on console to disable Voltage Monitoring.
INFO: MCU_PLTFPWRMGR: Monitoring for KL30 (G3CH4) started.
INFO: MCU_PLTFPWRMGR: KL30 (G3CH4) Voltage (18048mV) exceeded threshold (6700mV). Continuing...!
I:RptrID - 0x810D PsCd - 0x8 - PwrCtrl Dio Chk Ok
I:RptrID - 0x810D PsCd - 0x17 - PwrCtrl PrePwrUp Ok
INFO: PLTFPWRMGR_IOHWABS: Monitoring for PREREG_5V (G2CH2) started.
INFO: PLTFPWRMGR_IOHWABS: PREREG_5V (G2CH2) Voltage (4978mV) exceeded threshold (4850mV). Continuing...
INFO: MCU_PLTFPWRMGR: Monitoring for PREREG_SENSE_16V (G3CH6) started.
INFO: MCU_PLTFPWRMGR: PREREG_SENSE_16V (G3CH6) Voltage (12004mV) exceeded threshold (6700mV). Continuing...!
INFO: MCU_PLTFPWRMGR: Request Power-up Ethernet Switch done !
INFO:Marvell switch: 0: NW_CFG_BASE
INFO: MCU_PltfPwrMgr: Linkup status is not active
INFO: MCU_PltfPwrMgr: 88Q5072 OAK Link Active
INFO:Marvell switch: Marvell Oak/Spruce configuration completed..
INFO: MCU_PltfPwrMgr: Switch Init
INFO: Marvell Phy: Phy init begin..
INFO: Marvell Phy: Phy init completed..
INFO: MCU_PltfPwrMgr: PHYs Init
INFO: MCU_PltfPwrMgr: StbM Init
INFO: MCU_PLTFPWRMGR: Request Eth initialization done !
I:RptrID - 0x810B PsCd - 0x20 - VMON Config Valid
I:RptrID - 0x810B PsCd - 0x13 - VMON i2c addr load passed
I:RptrID - 0x810B PsCd - 0xA - VMON Bist Passed
INFO: NvMCU_OrinTMON: Orin-A Temperature sensor initialized 
I:RptrID - 0x810C PsCd - 0x17 - TMON Configuration in default mode pass
Check for VRS10............................................................
I:RptrID - 0x810D PsCd - 0x3 - PwrCtrl I2C Read Ok
I:RptrID - 0x810D PsCd - 0x6 - PwrCtrl I2C Read Crc Ok
I:RptrID - 0x810D PsCd - 0x7 - PwrCtrl Config Ok
Check for VRS10............................................................
I:RptrID - 0x810D PsCd - 0xD - PwrCtrl ActShdn Ok
Check for VRS10............................................................
I:RptrID - 0x810D PsCd - 0xE - PwrCtrl Actslp Ok
Check for VRS10............................................................
Check for VRS10............................................................
Check for VRS10............................................................
Check for VRS10............................................................
I:RptrID - 0x810D PsCd - 0x9 - PwrCtrl Vrs10 Int Ok
Check for VRS10............................................................
I:RptrID - 0x810D PsCd - 0x2 - PwrCtrl I2C Write Ok
Check for VRS10............................................................
I:RptrID - 0x810D PsCd - 0x4 - PwrCtrl I2C Val Ok
Check for VRS11-1..........................................................
Check for VRS11-2...........................................................
Check for VRS11-1..........................................................
I:RptrID - 0x810D PsCd - 0xA - PwrCtrl VRS11 Int Ok
Check for VRS11-2...........................................................
I:RptrID - 0x810D PsCd - 0xA - PwrCtrl VRS11 Int Ok
Check for VRS11-1..........................................................
Check for VRS11-1..........................................................
Check for VRS11-1..........................................................
Check for VRS11-1..........................................................
Check for VRS11-2...........................................................
Check for VRS11-2...........................................................
Check for VRS11-2...........................................................
Check for VRS11-2...........................................................
INFO: NVMCU_ORINPWRCTRL: Programming thermal thresholds done!
Check for VRS10............................................................
I:RptrID - 0x810D PsCd - 0xC - PwrCtrl Actshdn Ok
Check for VRS10............................................................
INFO: NVMCU_ORINPWRCTRL: FUNC_NIRQ continuous monitoring Enabled!
INFO: SftyMon_IoHwAbs: toggle check of local and remote sensor successfull
INFO: NvMCU_OrinTMON: toggle check of local and remote sensor successfull
I:RptrID - 0x810C PsCd - 0xB - TMON Toggle Check for Alert & Shutdown Pass
INFO: NvMCU_OrinTMON: Orin-A Temperature sensor initialized 
I:RptrID - 0x810C PsCd - 0x17 - TMON Configuration in default mode pass
INFO: SftyMon_IoHwAbs: Board Temperature sensor initialized
I:RptrID - 0x810B PsCd - 0x8 - VMON Seq Record
I:RptrID - 0x810B PsCd - 0x7 - VMON Seq Match
INFO: NvMCU_OrinTMON: Orin TMON init complete, post toggle check
I:RptrID - 0x810B PsCd - 0x23 - VMON Seq Ackld
I:RptrID - 0x810B PsCd - 0xD - VMON Plausibility pass
INFO: MCU_PLTFPWRMGR: Orin TMON enabled .... 
INFO: BtChn_Cfg: Using Next Bootchain for Orin bootup..
INFO: BtChn_Cfg: Tegra x1 Boot Chain is : B 
INFO: BtChn_Cfg: Btchn Pin ORIN_BOOTCHAIN0 set to 1
INFO: BtChn_Cfg: Btchn Pin ORIN_BOOTCHAIN1 set to 0
I:RptrID - 0x810F PsCd - 0x6 - BootchainCfg Dio set success
INFO: BtChn_Cfg: Clearing Next Bootchain from NvM.. 
Check for VRS10............................................................
Check for VRS10............................................................
Check for VRS10............................................................
INFO: NVMCU_ORINPWRCTRL: Tegra reset released
MCU_FOH: MCU FOH : Initiate SOC Error Pin Monitoring & SPI communication
MCU_FOH: MCU FOH : Start Monitoring Initiated
INFO: MCU_PLTFPWRMGR: Power-up sequence is complete !
INFO: CmnIf: Wdg Enabled Success!
Power on the system
Command Executed
INFO: NvMCU_OrinTMON: Thermal Monitoring Enabled
I:RptrID - 0x810C PsCd - 0x10 - TMON All thermal events are clear
I:RptrID - 0x810C PsCd - 0x11 - TMON All alert events are clear
INFO: NvMCU_OrinTMON: Thermal Alert Trigger not present anymore
I:RptrID - 0x810C PsCd - 0xF - TMON No notification present
INFO: MCU_ERRHANDLER: Published Power State: Power-up complete
INFO: BtChn_Cfg: NvMCbk - TA NxtBtChn Pri Blk, SId-7, JobRes-0
I:RptrID - 0x810F PsCd - 0x3 - BootchainCfg NvM Write Success
INFO: BtChn_Cfg: NvMCbk - TA NxtBtChn Red Blk, SId-7, JobRes-0
INFO : MCU_ISTMGR: IST_DONE pin no monitor time of 2000 ms over.
I:RptrID - 0x810A PsCd - 0xD - ISTManager:IST DONE pin stuck at low not observed.
MCU_FOH: Spi Transmit Started
MCU_FOH: SOC error pin is de-asserted
ERROR: MCU_ERRHANDLER: SOC error pin is de-asserted
MCU_FOH: Periodic Status [0] 0xab [1] 0xcd [250] 0x12 [251] 0x34
INFO: SftyMon_IoHwAbs: PG_VRS11 monitoring started...

NvShell>INFO: MCU_SWC_FanControl: max_rpm fan2 : 0
INFO: MCU_SWC_FanControl: maxrpm of fan2 has more than 50 percent deviation against rated maxrpm
MCU_FOH: ErrReport: ErrorCode-0x28da ReporterId-0xe04c Error_Attribute-0x0 Timestamp-0x7914548f
MCU_FOH: SOC error pin is asserted
ERROR: MCU_ERRHANDLER: SOC error pin is asserted


update 2:

Now when trying to switch bootchain back to A:

pomo@tegra-ubuntu:/usr/local/driveworks$ common_if_testapp -set_next_bootchain x1 A
DU_MCC_InitResources: Failed to open NvSciIpc endpoint. err is: 0x1100
Failed to initialize IPC resource
Failed to initialize DU MCC

update 3:

back to the display issue when tried switching to bootchain A manually through NvShell:

NvShell>setnxtbtchain x1 A
Info: Executing cmd: setnxtbtchain, argc: 2, args: x1 A 
Tegra X1 - Next Boot Chain Cfg: A
Command Executed
NvShell>INFO: BtChn_Cfg: NvMCbk - TA NxtBtChn Pri Blk, SId-7, JobRes-0
I:RptrID - 0x810F PsCd - 0x3 - BootchainCfg NvM Write Success
INFO: BtChn_Cfg: NvMCbk - TA NxtBtChn Red Blk, SId-7, JobRes-0

Info: Executing cmd: poweroff, argc: 0, args: 
NvShell>INFO: MCU_PLTFPWRMGR: Powering off 
INFO: MCU_PLTFPWRMGR: VRS11 PG Monitoring disable.
INFO: NVMCU_ORINPWRCTRL: Wait for Safe Shutdown notification (20s max)
Check for VRS10............................................................
I:RptrID - 0x810D PsCd - 0xD - PwrCtrl ActShdn Ok
Check for VRS10............................................................
MCU_FOH: SPI : E2E_P05Check Status : 7 : 120
ERROR: MCU_PLTFPWRMGR: Request Orin power-down failed! Continue sequence 
ERROR: MCU_ERRHANDLER: McuFoh : ReporterID - 0x810E ErrorCode - 0x3 
 ERROR: MCU_ERRHANDLER: OrinPwrCtrl : ReporterID - 0x810D ErrorCode - 0xF 
 MCU_FOH: SPI : E2E_P05Check Status : 7 : 0
MCU_FOH: SPI : E2E_P05Check Status : 7 : 0
I:RptrID - 0x810B PsCd - 0x8 - VMON Seq Record
I:RptrID - 0x810B PsCd - 0x7 - VMON Seq Match
I:RptrID - 0x810B PsCd - 0x23 - VMON Seq Ackld
INFO: MCU_PltfPwrMgr: Linkup status is not active
INFO: MCU_PltfPwrMgr: Linkup status is not active
INFO: MCU_PltfPwrMgr: Ethernet peripherals de-initialized
INFO: PLTFPWRMGR_IOHWABS: Power down sequence is complete !
Command Executed

Info: Executing cmd: poweron, argc: 0, args: 
NvShell>INFO: MCU_PLTFPWRMGR: Powering up 
INFO: MCU_PLTFPWRMGR: Voltage Monitoring is enabled.
INFO: MCU_PLTFPWRMGR: Send command 'voltageMonitor disable' on console to disable Voltage Monitoring.
INFO: MCU_PLTFPWRMGR: Monitoring for KL30 (G3CH4) started.
INFO: MCU_PLTFPWRMGR: KL30 (G3CH4) Voltage (18060mV) exceeded threshold (6700mV). Continuing...!
I:RptrID - 0x810D PsCd - 0x8 - PwrCtrl Dio Chk Ok
I:RptrID - 0x810D PsCd - 0x17 - PwrCtrl PrePwrUp Ok
INFO: PLTFPWRMGR_IOHWABS: Monitoring for PREREG_5V (G2CH2) started.
INFO: PLTFPWRMGR_IOHWABS: PREREG_5V (G2CH2) Voltage (4980mV) exceeded threshold (4850mV). Continuing...
INFO: MCU_PLTFPWRMGR: Monitoring for PREREG_SENSE_16V (G3CH6) started.
INFO: MCU_PLTFPWRMGR: PREREG_SENSE_16V (G3CH6) Voltage (11990mV) exceeded threshold (6700mV). Continuing...!
INFO: MCU_PLTFPWRMGR: Request Power-up Ethernet Switch done !
INFO:Marvell switch: 0: NW_CFG_BASE
INFO:Marvell switch: Marvell Oak/Spruce configuration completed..
INFO: MCU_PltfPwrMgr: Switch Init
INFO: MCU_PltfPwrMgr: Linkup status is not active
INFO: MCU_PltfPwrMgr: 88Q5072 OAK Link Active
INFO: Marvell Phy: Phy init begin..
INFO: Marvell Phy: Phy init completed..
INFO: MCU_PltfPwrMgr: PHYs Init
INFO: MCU_PltfPwrMgr: StbM Init
INFO: MCU_PLTFPWRMGR: Request Eth initialization done !
I:RptrID - 0x810B PsCd - 0x20 - VMON Config Valid
I:RptrID - 0x810B PsCd - 0x13 - VMON i2c addr load passed
I:RptrID - 0x810B PsCd - 0xA - VMON Bist Passed
INFO: NvMCU_OrinTMON: Orin-A Temperature sensor initialized 
I:RptrID - 0x810C PsCd - 0x17 - TMON Configuration in default mode pass
Check for VRS10............................................................
I:RptrID - 0x810D PsCd - 0x3 - PwrCtrl I2C Read Ok
I:RptrID - 0x810D PsCd - 0x6 - PwrCtrl I2C Read Crc Ok
I:RptrID - 0x810D PsCd - 0x7 - PwrCtrl Config Ok
Check for VRS10............................................................
I:RptrID - 0x810D PsCd - 0xD - PwrCtrl ActShdn Ok
Check for VRS10............................................................
I:RptrID - 0x810D PsCd - 0xE - PwrCtrl Actslp Ok
Check for VRS10............................................................
Check for VRS10............................................................
Check for VRS10............................................................
Check for VRS10............................................................
I:RptrID - 0x810D PsCd - 0x9 - PwrCtrl Vrs10 Int Ok
Check for VRS10............................................................
I:RptrID - 0x810D PsCd - 0x2 - PwrCtrl I2C Write Ok
Check for VRS10............................................................
I:RptrID - 0x810D PsCd - 0x4 - PwrCtrl I2C Val Ok
Check for VRS11-1..........................................................
Check for VRS11-2...........................................................
Check for VRS11-1..........................................................
I:RptrID - 0x810D PsCd - 0xA - PwrCtrl VRS11 Int Ok
Check for VRS11-2...........................................................
I:RptrID - 0x810D PsCd - 0xA - PwrCtrl VRS11 Int Ok
Check for VRS11-1..........................................................
Check for VRS11-1..........................................................
Check for VRS11-1..........................................................
Check for VRS11-1..........................................................
Check for VRS11-2...........................................................
Check for VRS11-2...........................................................
Check for VRS11-2...........................................................
Check for VRS11-2...........................................................
INFO: NVMCU_ORINPWRCTRL: Programming thermal thresholds done!
Check for VRS10............................................................
I:RptrID - 0x810D PsCd - 0xC - PwrCtrl Actshdn Ok
Check for VRS10............................................................
INFO: NVMCU_ORINPWRCTRL: FUNC_NIRQ continuous monitoring Enabled!
INFO: SftyMon_IoHwAbs: toggle check of local and remote sensor successfull
INFO: NvMCU_OrinTMON: toggle check of local and remote sensor successfull
I:RptrID - 0x810C PsCd - 0xB - TMON Toggle Check for Alert & Shutdown Pass
INFO: NvMCU_OrinTMON: Orin-A Temperature sensor initialized 
I:RptrID - 0x810C PsCd - 0x17 - TMON Configuration in default mode pass
INFO: SftyMon_IoHwAbs: Board Temperature sensor initialized
I:RptrID - 0x810B PsCd - 0x8 - VMON Seq Record
I:RptrID - 0x810B PsCd - 0x7 - VMON Seq Match
INFO: NvMCU_OrinTMON: Orin TMON init complete, post toggle check
I:RptrID - 0x810B PsCd - 0x23 - VMON Seq Ackld
I:RptrID - 0x810B PsCd - 0xD - VMON Plausibility pass
INFO: MCU_PLTFPWRMGR: Orin TMON enabled .... 
INFO: BtChn_Cfg: Using Next Bootchain for Orin bootup..
INFO: BtChn_Cfg: Tegra x1 Boot Chain is : A 
INFO: BtChn_Cfg: Btchn Pin ORIN_BOOTCHAIN0 set to 0
INFO: BtChn_Cfg: Btchn Pin ORIN_BOOTCHAIN1 set to 0
I:RptrID - 0x810F PsCd - 0x6 - BootchainCfg Dio set success
INFO: BtChn_Cfg: Clearing Next Bootchain from NvM.. 
Check for VRS10............................................................
Check for VRS10............................................................
Check for VRS10............................................................
INFO: NVMCU_ORINPWRCTRL: Tegra reset released
MCU_FOH: MCU FOH : Initiate SOC Error Pin Monitoring & SPI communication
MCU_FOH: MCU FOH : Start Monitoring Initiated
INFO: MCU_PLTFPWRMGR: Power-up sequence is complete !
INFO: CmnIf: Wdg Enabled Success!
Power on the system
Command Executed
INFO: NvMCU_OrinTMON: Thermal Monitoring Enabled
I:RptrID - 0x810C PsCd - 0x10 - TMON All thermal events are clear
I:RptrID - 0x810C PsCd - 0x11 - TMON All alert events are clear
INFO: NvMCU_OrinTMON: Thermal Alert Trigger not present anymore
I:RptrID - 0x810C PsCd - 0xF - TMON No notification present
INFO: MCU_ERRHANDLER: Published Power State: Power-up complete
INFO: BtChn_Cfg: NvMCbk - TA NxtBtChn Pri Blk, SId-7, JobRes-0
I:RptrID - 0x810F PsCd - 0x3 - BootchainCfg NvM Write Success
INFO: BtChn_Cfg: NvMCbk - TA NxtBtChn Red Blk, SId-7, JobRes-0
INFO : MCU_ISTMGR: IST_DONE pin no monitor time of 2000 ms over.
I:RptrID - 0x810A PsCd - 0xD - ISTManager:IST DONE pin stuck at low not observed.
MCU_FOH: Spi Transmit Started
MCU_FOH: SOC error pin is de-asserted
ERROR: MCU_ERRHANDLER: SOC error pin is de-asserted
MCU_FOH: Periodic Status [0] 0xab [1] 0xcd [250] 0x12 [251] 0x34
INFO: SftyMon_IoHwAbs: PG_VRS11 monitoring started...
INFO: MCU_SWC_FanControl: max_rpm fan2 : 0
INFO: MCU_SWC_FanControl: maxrpm of fan2 has more than 50 percent deviation against rated maxrpm
MCU_FOH: SOC error pin is asserted
ERROR: MCU_ERRHANDLER: SOC error pin is asserted
MCU_FOH: ErrReport: ErrorCode-0x28da ReporterId-0xe04c Error_Attribute-0x0 Timestamp-0x280e051b

update 4:
tried running again on bootchain B, and landed with the problem just like A. Now we dont have any bootchain supporting the display

Update 6 (Solution)

The issue was solved by performing following steps:

  • step 1 > on /dev/ttyACM1 port:
tegrarecovery x1 on
tegrareset x1
  • step 2 > close the port, and remove the connections.

  • step 3 > check the board connection with host machine after reconnecting the cables

xxx@xxxdriver:~$ lsusb
Bus 002 Device 002: ID 8087:8000 Intel Corp. 
Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
Bus 001 Device 002: ID 8087:8008 Intel Corp. 
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub
Bus 003 Device 021: ID 0955:7045 NVIDIA Corp. Tegra On-Platform Operator
Bus 003 Device 004: ID 046d:c34a Logitech, Inc. LogiG TKL MKeyboard
Bus 003 Device 016: ID 0000:3825   USB OPTICAL MOUSE
Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
  • step 4 > open ACM1 port again
tegrarecovery x1 off
tegrareset x1
  • step 5 > reflash using docker container associated with the DRIVE OS specific version (provided snippet from driveinstaller.log)
[2024-11-28 10:15:18,617 root DEBUG 17 21] b'[bootburn]: Resetting Aurix\r\n'
[2024-11-28 10:15:19,629 root DEBUG 17 21] b'[bootburn]: [SetDefaultBootChain(609)] : setting default boot-chain: x1 A\r\n'
[2024-11-28 10:15:19,631 root DEBUG 17 21] b'[bootburn]: [SetDefaultBootChain(610)] : Executing setdfltbtchain\r\n'
[2024-11-28 10:15:19,913 root DEBUG 17 21] b'[bootburn]: [SetDefaultBootChain(614)] : Done\r\n'
[2024-11-28 10:15:19,914 root DEBUG 17 21] b'[bootburn]: [AurixTegraReset(591)] : Re-setting x1\r\n'
[2024-11-28 10:15:20,561 root DEBUG 17 21] b'[bootburn]: [AurixTegraReset(594)] : Done\r\n'
[2024-11-28 10:15:20,563 root DEBUG 17 21] b'[bootburn]: \r\n\x1b[01;32mBootburn completed successfully!\x1b[0m\r\n\r\n[bootburn]: Bootburn Time 651.0340845584869 seconds\r\n\r\n'
[2024-11-28 10:15:21,186 root INFO 284 21] Flashing successful for given configuration!
[2024-11-28 10:15:21,190 root DEBUG 62 21] Cleaning up...
[2024-11-28 10:15:21,191 root DEBUG 137 21] Deleting temporary directories...
[2024-11-28 10:15:21,191 root DEBUG 139 21] Deleting /tmp/pdkinstall-tmp-79b8wwmf-bind
[2024-11-28 10:15:21,194 root DEBUG 64 21] Closing the log file.

this brought back display connections to both the bootchains (A/B).


@prit.shah @ashwin.nanda Looks like the original issue is resolved.
FYI, setdfltbtchain x1 B → aurixreset will make the default boot chain as B. Where as setnxtbtchain will make the it as temporary boot chain in just next booting.

@SivaRamaKrishnaNV thanks for the reply, I have already set default bootchain to B afterwards for now. We will run tests on this.