I install the latest jetpack using the sdkmanager
Then I ssh into the Xavier and remove all unnecessary software
Then return to sdkmanager and update with runtime components
finally I ssh into the Xavier and compile opencv with cuda (using the correct cuda_arch_bin etc, as the install script shared on this forum)
Yet I still get the “not compiled with cuda” error when I try an opencv GPU instruction such as “upload”
EDIT: I have posted this in wrong forum - can you move to Xavier NX??
yes its python 3 I will be using, I am not clear what you mean - I assumed the script compiled opencv cuda which was then available as a python library
Could you please share the script used to compile cuda opencv for python, and what version of jetpack it is known to work with it?
yet when running a GPU function in opencv I get an error (not compiled), I can run image_container = cv2.cuda_GpuMat() command without error, but not image_container.upload(np.array((100,100))) which is where as far as I know the GPU actually kicks in. By what measure was the script confirmed to work?
It is potentially because I delete something between the flash phase and sdk phase? I need to do this as otherwise I get a device full error when transfering the runtime sdk components